Saturday, December 28, 2019

The Transfer Of Learning Constructivism - 1412 Words

Transfer of Learning: Constructivism Kimberly H. Morgan Psych 635/ Psychology of Learning September 7, 2015 John Barker Transfer of Learning: Constructivism Constructivism is the learning theory that focuses on observation by acquiring data and thereafter reexamining, altering, and updating information to be useful in the present time. People process experiences, information, and conception of life based on their impressions of their past. As individuals experience an unversed event, they will try to integrate it with their knowledge and past, as a result replacing old out of date or incorrect data with new more pertinent information (Kerka, 1997). This learning theory says that learning is a continuing process and not about just comprehending available information without questioning, processing, and updating previously learned information (Allen, 2005). â€Å"Constructivism does not advocate that learning principles exist and are to be discovered and verified, but rather that learners generate their own learning† (Schunk, 2012, p. 230). The goals of this report are to relate to enlighten the constructivism and describe how this learning theory can be generalized to the workplace. Educators can successfully use this learning theory by placing the task of learning upon the students by guiding them to reach their own conclusions by interpreting the information themselves by inquiring and challenging them rather than lecturing or preaching information. Teaching based onShow MoreRelatedConstructivism : A Learning Theory917 Words   |  4 PagesConstructivism is a learning theory that suggests that because individuals are not blank slates new knowledge is constructed by building upon prior knowledge and experiences (Brandsford, Brown, and Cocking, 2000). Within the classroom setting, constructivism often includes, but not limited to a hands-on activity, group work, and teachers acting as facilitators. At the sight of observation, the learning activity was a guided reading lesson. This reading activity was designed for a small group of fourRead MoreLecturer Peter Senge Once Stated, â€Å"Knowledge Is Constructed,1302 Words   |  6 PagesPeter Senge once stated, â€Å"Knowledge is constructed, not transferred† (Callahan). With this one quote Peter Senge has managed to mock the modern education system. 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Friday, December 20, 2019

Physics 2012 DSE - 2075 Words

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Wednesday, December 11, 2019

Sports Management Flying Pig Marathon

Question: Discuss about the Sports Management for Flying Pig Marathon. Answer: Introduction: Application of Brand Equity and Branding by Aaker to the Creation of Flying Pig Marathon According to Aaker (2009), brand creation depends on the proper combination of symbols, names, and logos. This combined feature specifies a particular product or service and differentiates it from other products available in the market. Aaker applied the proper branding strategy in formulating the brand of Flying Pig Marathon in Cincinnati. Organising an event to establish the brand identity of Flying Pig Marathon was the first step implemented by Aaker. The formulation of the Winged Pig and the Flying Pig logo had been differentiating the brand from all other marathon brands across the country. On the other hand, the second step was considering the special attraction of the events. The organisers were trying to attract the new breed of runners by interacting and offering experiences. The maintenance of such interactive procedure was effective enough in creating a strong brand identity. Influences on new breed of Marathon It was noted that the organisers of the Flying Pig marathon were implementing the unique brand strategy to create the strengthened position of the brand. This strategy included the identification of the target market. The investigation report reflected that the previous marathon races have already revealed some of the significant trends. The new breed of runners was drawn to the marathon by organising some of the fundraising charitable programmes (Olberding and Olberding 2014). It was ensured that the runners would require the efficient volunteers for the traditional races. However, the major influence was found in the demographic profile of the new runners. As a result, the organisers realised that the traditional approaches would be much insufficient if they would bring the new runners in the race. Significance of the Name Flying Pig to the people of Cincinnati The name Flying Pig was signifying the unique heritage of Cincinnati. The people of Cincinnati were much fascinated with pigs. The city was famous for the leading meatpacking centre across the country. It was entitled with the nick name Porkopolis. In current time, a large statue is found with four riverboat smoke stacks, which was topped with soaring winged pigs. This statue is situated at Sawyer Point on the Ohio River. Andrew Leicester, the artist of this statue defined the concept of structuring such statue. He mentioned, The angelic spirits of all the pigs that were slaughtered and that were the building blocks of Cincinnatis prosperity (Olberding and Jisha 2005). Therefore, the name has the special significance to the people of Cincinnati. Ways of Receiving Supports and Awareness from the Local Community The race organisers became attentive towards the enhancements of the brand awareness among the local community. In generating the supports, they undertook different steps. Firstly, the focus on the local interests was the major concern. Therefore, the event organisers made contacts with local politicians, celebrities, and community leaders to establish a mile-long segment a year before the inaugural race. Another strategy implemented by the race organisers to enhance the support level was the transparent communication. They gathered different types of media source to promote such events and making the local people aware of this marathon race (Dillon 2002). The playful attitude of the constituents was thus effective enough in generating attention of the local communities. Marketing Research Conducted by Stacy Montagner It was noted that Stacy Montagner was given the responsibility of selecting the names, logos, and symbols related to the marathon race. The selection of such logo and symbols was needed to be designed very carefully. Montagner involved another non-runner to develop the logos of marathon (Olberding and Jisha 2005). It was helpful in developing the non-traditional feel among the runners. The first logo was featuring a winged pig, which looked like a cartoon. This pig was featured with old fashioned aviator goggles. This logo was used for the posters in the websites. Another logo featured the winged pig with pink-on-black profile. Both the non-athletic logos were selected for the promotional activities. References Aaker, D.A., 2009.Managing brand equity. Simon and Schuster. Dillon, D. 2002. Marriage on the Run. Marathon and Beyond, 6(2), 100-108. Olberding, D.J. and Jisha, J., 2005. The flying pig': building brand equity in a major urban marathon.Sport Marketing Quarterly,14(3), p.191. Olberding, J.C. and Olberding, D.J., 2014. The social impacts of a special event on the host city: a conceptual framework and a case study of the Cincinnati Flying Pig Marathon.International Journal of Hospitality and Event Management,1(1), pp.44-61.

Wednesday, December 4, 2019

Introduction to Crimonology and Criminal Justice- My Assignment Help

Question: Start your research by reading the appropriate sections in Newburn (2013) Criminology the core text for the unit. Guided reading will help you develop the answer aided by relevant material listed in independent study. For example, Newburns Criminology has sections on classicism and positivism, and realism. In addition, he has sections on prisons in a number of areas look carefully through the detailed contents crime and the media, youth justice and crime prevention. By researching Carrabine et al (2014) you can develop these ideas further in chapters 4 and 15, chapter 18, and chapter 20. Hale et al (2009) has similar sections. For the remaining questions, Davis et al (2010) for Youth Justice (Ch 8) and Hucklesby (2009) chapter 1 on Crime Prevention will add to your research. You will find these titles in the guided reading. The next stage is to select appropriate titles from the Independent Study list and where possible the list of articles. You will find specific texts on crime p revention, media and crime, and theory, while sections of others will address prisons and youth justice. A very useful source is the Oxford Handbook of Criminology. By building your research from introductory to advanced reading you will develop an argument based on your understanding of the evidence. As you can see from the above guidance, each question demands from you systematic research. This cannot be done in a day, and if you try, this will lead to short-cuts such as cutting and pasting from the web and certain failure. Give yourself ample time to research, write and demonstrate your abilities. Answer: Introduction The study of crime, criminals, and criminal justice comes under Criminology. The subject of criminology involves various approaches and has been created by different academic disciplines. Criminology has recently become a topic of interest for numerous scholars and students across the world due to expansion of criminal justice at a similar pace. It deals with the definition of crime, how it should be dealt with, and how it should be measured. There are a number of crimes which occur around us in our daily life. The most common forms of crime around the world are property crime, crimes against human rights, destruction to the environment, and some state crimes also. In true sense, crime is a sociological concept as it is a social construct and does not exist as autonomous unit. Although, in present era, males and females commit crimes in approximately similar proportion, a major proportion of prosecuted crime is committed by youths (Carrabine et al., 2014). Youngsters generally commit such kind of crimes that are required to be reported and younger offenders are more likely to be followed by the criminal justice system. In this essay, we will discuss about what the procedures are in criminal justice system for the young offenders and how it implies on them. Discussion The term "Custodial sentence" means a punishment where young offenders above the age of 12 years are held in a secure place such as in young offenders' institution. The word "Liable" means legally responsible. "Magistrate Court deals with less serious offences by adults and young offenders. "Youth Courts" is a section of magistrate court for people aged 10-18 years of age. The crimes committed by youth are determined under two broad aspects, that is, rebellious youth cultures and procedures of youth justice. The concept of juvenile delinquency was established for the first time in a most comprehensive way by sociologist Geoff Pearson in 1983. From the 19th Century onwards, new techniques to deal with the issue of delinquency involve juvenile reformatories, shifting of juveniles' cases to the lower courts, abolishing imprisonment of child delinquents in adult prisons, and creation of juvenile courts (Natale Williams, 2012). According to Section 50 of the "Children Young Persons Act 1933", children who are less 10 years old cannot be held culpable of any crime (House of Commons , 2011). In the criminal justice system, an individual who is below the age of 14 years is considered as 'child' and an individual between 14 and 18 years comes under the category of 'young person' or 'juvenile'. The main objectives of the Youth Justice System is to stop the children from committing any kind of offences, which is established under the Section 37(1) of the "Crime and Disorder Act 1998" (Blakeman, 2016). Several policies have been made by the government in England and Wales in order to stop the young people from committing offences. With the assistance of local Youth Offending Teams, various efforts focused to deter offenders and those who are vulnerable to offending have been developed. To prevent the youth from getting involved in crimes, the best and the most effective technique can be to prevent them from getti ng into trouble in the initial stages. Otherwise, it is more likely that they might commit crime or get involved in the socially unacceptable behaviour as it is expected that early interference could save a lot of time and expenditure to be occurred on public services. The troublesome conditions include lack of education, unhealthy family relationships, association with those involved in offences and substance abuse. In the initial stage, there are various programmes which are aimed to deal with the risk factors responsible, to develop the interests of young people in various constructive activities, and to increase their knowledge (University of Essex, 2016). It is the procedure of the court that if a young wrongdoer is charged with an offence, he/she have to be presented before the court and it depends upon the decision of the court whether it will provide bail or custodial remand to the offender if the case cannot be dealt with instantly. In case, if a young person is found to be accountable for crime, a date is given for the trial of the case on which all the evidences are presented before the magistrate, after which he/she decides whether the young person is guilty or not. On being proved guilty, the most appropriate sentence is decided for the offender. The youth court refers the case to the superior court, if case is considered as extremely serious. The offences, for which maximum penalty is six months in prison, are sent for trial and sentence to adult magistrates' courts. These courts look after the cases that involve individual above the age of 18 years. The youth court looks after the cases that involve individuals below the age of 18 years. These courts are part of magistrates' court. The youth panel magistrates and district judges are the one who preside over in these courts. They can grant Detention orders and Training Orders of up to 24 months to those who are held guilty by them, as well as a variety of sentences in the community. The hearings in the youth court take place in private and only victim is allowed to attend the hearings that too, with the permission of the court. Despite the fact that the hearings are kept confidential, the requirements and wishes of victims are also kept under consideration by the court and, they often are allowed to have contribution in the process of sentencing (Marsh Melville, 2014). In order to prevent youth from getting involved in the procedure of the youth justice system, they are at the initial stage handled by the police and local authorities without sending the case to the court, only in case of anti-social behaviours and minor offences committed by them. They are offered help and support by the police and local authorities to stop them from offending again. Pre-court measures include informal warning, scolding, and final warning. To the first time offenders, who have committed small offence, senior police officer issues an informal and verbal warning or caution. Reprimand refers to a formal verbal warning which is given to the young person who is offending for the second time or if the offence is of a serious kind, at the police station in presence of his/her parents. A final warning is given by senior police officer, if a young person commits a more serious offence even after scolding. He/she is sent to the Youth Offending Team. The sentences which are p lanned within the community include Community Punishment Order, Supervision Order, Conditional Discharge, Reparation Order, etc. Such kind of sentences in the community depends upon the severity and extent of an offence committed by the youth (Burke, 2013). For serious crimes, custodial sentences are provided by the court. According to Section 73 of the "Crime and Disorder Act 1998", the Detention and Training Order (DTO) is established as a new custodial sentence for youth offenders below the age of 18 years. To make custody more effective in order to prevent reoffending, this new procedure of sentence was planned. For the offenders of age between 15 and 17 years, sentence of detention and for the offenders of age between 12 and 14 years, the sentence of the secure training order (STO), is substituted by DTO. As per DTO, individual may be sentenced for the period of 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 18, and 24 months by the court. Out of the total period of sentence, half of the punishment is to be spent in custody, while for the other half under the observation in community (Hucklesby, 2007). According to Section 37(2) of the "Crime and Disorder Act", it is duty of people working in the youth justice system to follow the purpose of the system mentioned under Section 37 (1) of the act i.e. to avert the children and youth from committing offences or crimes. It is planned to ensure that each one of the young offenders are provided with the most appropriate form of training in order to prevent them from reoffending. The Secretary of the State determines the DTO to be served in Secure Children's Home (SCH), Secure Training Centre (STC), in a YOI, or at any other place which depends upon his/her discretion. On the basis of appropriate behaviour of the offender or if the established criteria have been met, there are provisions for release from custody earlier than the sentence granted by the court (Newburn, 2013). For serious offences such as murder and other major offences, an individual below 18 years shall be sentenced to be detained at Her Majesty's discretion under Section 90 of the Powers of "Criminal Courts (Sentencing) Act 2000". As per Section 91, children and young person who are convicted in serious charges shall be sentenced in a similar way as in the case of an adult which may be life imprisonment also. The place of detaining and the conditions under which they are to be kept are directed by the Secretary of the State under Section 92 of the Act. For certain brutal or sexual offences, Section 226 of the "Criminal Justice Act 2003" provides a maximum penalty of imprisonment of 10 years or more. The young offenders, who are found to be dangerous by the court, are given a sentence of detention to protect the public unless it is considered by the court that a sentence of detention for life under Section 91 is reasonable or prolonged sentence under Section 228 would be suitable (Blakeman, 2016; Fox Arnull, 2013). Conclusion The provisions under the Criminal justice system of the United Kingdom for children and the young offenders are flexible and at the same time severe as well in order to prevent the youths from committing such offensive crimes. The policies of the government promote the functioning of local Youth Offending Teams to prevent the youth from committing the crimes. In all, the efforts of government and the judiciary will positively achieve success in preventing the offences committed by the children and young people. References Blakeman, I., 2016. Youth justice system in England and Wales. The 139th International Training Course. Burke, L., 2013. The 2013 Offender Rehabilitation Bill:A curious mix?. British Society of Criminology Newsletter, pp.20-24. Carrabine, E. et al., 2014. Criminology. 3rd ed. Routledge. Fox, D. Arnull, E., 2013. Social Work in the Youth Justice System: A Multidisciplinary Perspective. Mc Graw-Hill Education. House of Commons , 2011. The youth justice system in England and Wales: Reducing offending by young people. House of Commons Committee of Public Accounts. Hucklesby, A., 2007. Understanding Offenders' Compliance: A Case Study of Electronically Monitored Curfew Orders. Journal of Law and Society, 36(2), pp.248-71. Marsh, I. Melville, G., 2014. Crime, Justice and the Media. Routledge. Natale, L. Williams, N., 2012. Youth Crime in England and Wales. CIVITAS Institute for the Study of Civil Society. Newburn, T., 2013. Criminology. Routledge. University of Essex, 2016. IDEATE. University of Essex.

Thursday, November 28, 2019

Lifestyle Comparison, City vs Country free essay sample

Data has been collected from several sources such as multiple real estate agencies, fuel stations, transport agencies, mapping sources, grocery markets as well as different social and recreational organizations and conventions, this information will aid me to form my personal opinion on which is the better option. The criteria on which of the options stands to be ‘better option’, will be on the basis of; which provides the best financial outcome. Notes: * This report is taking the assumption that certain material possessions have already been accounted for, EG: * Car, clothes, furniture etc. The car at our disposal for the calculations of travel expenses will be the Hyundai Santa Fe Part Four, Data Analysis: The salaries of dentists in Australia varies widely, as the lowest reported income per annum is an estimated $50,800 while the highest earning dentists are in much larger figures, with $190,000 as the maximum recorded payment. $50,800 + $190,000 = $240,800 $240,800 ? 2 = $120,400~ the average salary, calculated via the values given above. We will write a custom essay sample on Lifestyle Comparison, City vs Country or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page This given pay scale can be divvied into three categories in order to better represent and calculate budgets and relevant taxes. To yield more reliable results, the following tax calculations will be made under the assumption that we are earning an average pay of $120,400 per annum. Tax Calculations| | Weekly| Monthly| Yearly| Gross| (Divide yearly pay by 52)$2315. 38| (Divide yearly pay by 12)$10,033. 33| $120,400| Tax | $624. 90| $2707. 91| $32,495| Super| $208. 38| $903| $10,836| Medicare| $34. 73| $150. 5| $1,806| Net Income| $1447. 1| $6,271. 9| $75,263| Tax: $120,400 $80,000 = $40,400~taxable dollars. $40,400 x $0. 37 = $14,948 $14,948 + $17,547 = $32,495~yearly income tax. $32,495 ? 12 $2707. 91~monthly income tax. $32,495 ? 52 = $624. 90~weekly income tax. Super: $120,400 – 9% = $120,400 x 0. 09 = $10,836~yearly super payment. $10,836 = $10,836 ? 12 = $903~monthly super payment. $10,836 = $10,836 ? 52 = $208. 38~weekly super payment. Medicare: $120,400 – 1. 5% = $120,400 x 0. 015 = $1,806~yearly Medicare levee $1,806 = $1,806 ? 12 = $150. 5~monthly Medicare levee $1,806 = $1,806 ? 52 = $ 34. 73~weekly Medicare levee Net Income: $120,400 – $32,495 – $10,836 $1,806 =$75,263~yearly net income $75,263 = $75,263 ? 12 = $6,271. 9~monthly net income $75,263 $75,263 ? 52 = $1,447. 30~weekly income Expenses: Living The following rental prices are taken from multiple real estate websites, with the cheapest price as the main deciding factor. House Rentals| House #| Brisbane Prices| Address| Charleville Prices| Address| 1| $395| 8/53 Edward Street, Brisbane| $230| 169 Edward St| 2| $390| 21/204 Alice St, Brisbane| $200| 164 Galatea St| 3| $430| 460 Ann St, Brisbane| $165| 1/75 Galatea St| 4| $450| 5/204 Alice St, Brisbane| $165| 1/16 Sturt St| 5| $450| 1904/485 Adelaide St, Brisbane| $160| 7/16 Sturt St| Averages:| $423| $184| Recreational A steady amount of $150 will be deducted weekly from our overall income in order to pay for recreational activities, drinks, dinner, take-away etc. Health Insurance Health insurance is a necessity for anyone trying to save money, as it is a safety net if something is to go wrong, and medical attention is needed. Without this safety net, simple injuries such as broken bones may cost in the thousands of dollars, while serious injuries and surgeries will cost exponential amounts. For the best value and lowest price, as suggested by a comparison on iSelect. com. u, the best plan at our disposal will cost $75. 24 monthly, and cover the essentials. $75. 24~monthly health insurance $75. 24 x 12 = $902. 88~yearly health insurance $75. 24 ? 4 = $18. 81~weekly health insurance Part Five, Data Analysisamp; Comparison: Gas amp; Electricity P. A. As evidence from Switchwise. com. au suggests, an apartment style home in Brisbane with 1 bedroom amp; 1 resident average, will result in a n estimated yearly payment of $1646. This price can be altered however via an Origin energy yearly contract, which will lower this expense to $1554 p. . in a Brisbane residential apartment complex. $1,554 ? 52 = $29. 88~weekly energy/gas expenses $1,554 ? 12 = $129. 5~monthly energy/gas expenses In terms of country living, the annual cost of electricity for a house will cost $1520 at the bare minimum. $1,520 ? 52 = $29. 23~weekly energy/gas expenses $1,520 ? 12 = $126. 66~monthly energy/gas expenses Fuel With the aim of keeping this report simplified, the only fuel being analysed and recorded will be diesel. The price for diesel in Charleville, on the date of 13/5/13, is $1. 43 /L. While according to racq. com. au, the average price for diesel in Brisbane, over the course of April, was $1. 48 /L. This difference, although minimal, scales over time and will cause either substantial savings or losses over the course of say, 10 years working the same job amp; same average fuel usages. Transport To calculate the average transport expenses, the car at our disposal will be a Hyundai Santa Fe. The Santa Fe runs on diesel, and has an overall consumption of 7. 3litres/100km. This data divides into 0. 73litres/10km, and 0. 65/5km, to achieve more manageable sample sizes in order to accurately calculate the average weekly usage in both country amp; city environments. *Note: Multiple instances of the home – work drives are extremely minimal, and will therefore not be considered under fuel consumption, and merely an expense of time. Transport CONT: Diesel Consumption: House #| Kilometres| House 1| 1. 12| House 2| 1. 6| House 3| 0. 06| House 4/5| 0. 32| *miles -gt; ki lometre conversion = y X 1. 6 = z 164 Galatea St -gt; work = 0. 7miles X 1. 6 = 1. 12km 169 Edward St -gt; work = 1. 00miles X 1. = 1. 6km 71 Galatea St -gt; work = 0. 06km 16/9 amp; 16/7 Sturt St -gt; work = 0. 32km *Note: to yield an accurate fuel expense, the average distance of the five houses for both city and country will be used, and then a price for a round trip, over five times a week, plus a 20% fuel allowance for other travelling needs. Country: 1. 12km + 1. 6km = 2. 72km 2. 72 / 2 = 1. 36km 1. 36~travel distance home to work 1. 36 x 2 = 2. 72km 2. 72km x 5 = 13. 6km ~home to work amp; back, five days 13. 6 x 0. 20 = 2. 72km~fuel allowance, for other travelling needs 2. 72 + 13. 6 16. 32km~weekly travel distance 16. 32% of 100km, therefore 16. 32% of ($1. 43 x 7. 3L=$10. 43 (price for 100km worth of fuel)) $10. 43 10. 43 x 0. 1632 = $1. 70~weekly fuel expense House #| Km to work| House 1| 5. 44km| House 2| 5. 12km| House 3| 6. 72km| House 4/5| 7. 04km| City: *miles -gt; kilometre conversion = y X 1. 6 = z 53 Edward St -gt; work = 3. 4miles X 1. 6 = 5. 44km 21/204 amp; 5/204 Alice St -gt; work = 3. 2miles X 1. 6 = 5. 12km 460 Ann St -gt; work = 4. 2miles X 1. 6 = 6. 72km 485 Adelaide St -gt; work = 4. 4miles X 1. 6 = 7. 04km 5. 44 + 5. 12 + 6. 2 + 7. 04 = 24. 32 24. 32 / 4 = 6. 08km~average distance to work 6. 08 x 2 = 12. 16 12. 16 x 5 = 60. 8~home to work distance, five times per week 60. 8 x 0. 2 = 12. 16km~weekly fuel allowance 60. 8 + 12. 16 = 72. 96km~weekly fuel consumption 72. 96km = 72. 96% of 100km 72. 96% of ($1. 43 x 7. 3L=$10. 43 (price for 100km worth of fuel)) $10. 43 10. 43 x 0. 7296 = $7. 60~weekly fuel expense Grocery Essentials *The following are the prices of food essentials at the lowest offered price in their respective stores and locations, without factoring in any limited special offers.

Sunday, November 24, 2019

Review of The End of Imagination

Review of The End of Imagination Free Online Research Papers â€Å"The end of imagination† is Arundhati Roy’s take on India’s nuclear tests. It is a rather fierce, passionate and heartfelt piece that takes its toll on one’s mind. People may or may not agree with the views expressed in this article, as is the case with most articles. But then, what makes this article worthwhile is that it makes one ask questions. It makes one aware of the matters one often takes for granted. It makes one think. This article condemns the nuclear tests and all the theories, trying to prove it, to be in the interest of the nation and for the greater good. Arundhati Roy speaks about the nuclear tests in a manner that is real and not, in any sense, sugar-coated. She explains the difference in the impact of a ‘normal war’ which, in itself is a gruesome concept, and that of a ‘nuclear war’. She writes about the aftermaths of a nuclear war in lucid terms and in all openness that cannot be questioned. She discusses the much hyped concept of ‘deterrence’. She talks about the suicide bombers’ psyche. Can one really not question this particular risk? Is it not a possible outcome? How does one apply the theory of deterrence in such a case? What happens once one of the parties crosses the line? Do we have the resources or strength to come back if a wrong step is taken? These are all unanswered questions that severely backstab the concept of â€Å"deterrence†. One really cannot afford loose ends like these in case of nuclear weapons. For in this case, the stakes are too high. One toe out of line from any of the sides and we could be facing annihilation of entire species at a time, leaving the rest of them burnt, wounded and diseased. Another major flaw that she addresses is the prevailing ignorance in the matter. She has rightly stressed in the importance of the innumerable protests denouncing the tests and thus, in the process, spreading awareness about the issue through diverse media and at various levels. Although one may not be very sure whether something of the magnitude of individuals having private arsenal can happen, one can surely not rule it out if the race for the nuclear arms progresses unchecked at its present pace. She explains in bold words the ruthless and indiscriminate obliteration of species upon species that can take place in the conditions persisting during a nuclear war. She makes it very clear how personal the war turns out to be. She appeals the people to stand up to themselves and speak out. For, even the smallest attempt makes a difference to the movement as a whole. In the paragraphs that follow the author gives her views and parameters determining success and failure, and life and death. She eventually points out to the most horrendous of the flaws in the whole scheme of things as she explains the underhand politics that happens in association with the issue. She talks about the way the politicians play with words and change targets in agreement with their convenience. According to her, she would rather have her say and face the music, than accepting whatever is dished out to her with her head bowed. She jibes that a year from then we might as well celebrate the anniversary of our Nuclear bondage. The author then comes around to discuss the three main reasons given by the government in support of the nuclear tests. The three Official Reasons given were: China, Pakistan and Exposing Western Hypocrisy. She logically and methodically condemns all the three aforementioned reasons. She rightly proves the justification given by the government to be going back on its own policy and hence proves it to be the real hypocrites. She sneers at the easily manipulated, â€Å"hooting young men†, who accept the worst means of destruction with open arms, and admit it to being a part of the Indian scriptures, but can’t digest the mere existence of dance, music or food that is, as they call it, â€Å"western†. She then proceeds to explain calmly how it is not only stupid, but outright ridiculous to attempt to have an â€Å"authorized version of what India is or should be†. India, from the time unknown, has always been known to have attracted foreigners and to have wholeheartedly accepted them. The various cultures coming together and merging gave rise to a new culture every time. It is this merging and intermingling that has given rise to the homogenous mix that we call our culture today. So, why stop now? Why put an obstacle to growth? By the way, is there any relation between the clothes we wear and the nuclear bomb? Not exactly, one might think. But then, don’t you understand this is how the politicians spin stories in a well delivered speech, this is how they spin gold. Is there any relation in anything they associate with the issues? It is the old art of ‘plan, plot and Scheme to manipulate people in your favour’. Railing against the past will not heal us. History has happened. Its over and done with. All we can do is to change its course by encouraging what we love instead of destroying what we dont. There is beauty yet in this brutal, damaged world of ours. Hidden, fierce, immense. Beauty that is uniquely ours and beauty that we have received with grace from others, enhanced, re-invented and made our own. We have to seek it out, nurture it, love it. Making bombs will only destroy us. It doesnt matter whether we use them or not. They will destroy us either way. The aforementioned paragraph is the crux of the entire article. Then there are, of course, opinion polls. How reliable are these? Whose opinion do they represent? The author genuinely questions their validity as millions of people in our country are illiterate and millions others live in conditions lacking the most basic of necessities in their life. Do these opinion polls consider their opinion? Before conducting these opinion polls, were the people even explained what it was all about, or are opinion polls, regarding issues having a nationwide impact, a luxury for the elite few? Arundhati Roy concludes the article with two lines that give you gooseflesh. The nuclear bomb is the most anti-democratic, anti-national, anti-human, outright evil thing that man has ever made. If you are religious, then remember that this bomb is Mans challenge to God. Its worded quite simply: We have the power to destroy everything that You have created. If youre not religious, then look at it this way. This world of ours is four thousand, six hundred million years old. It could end in an afternoon. Research Papers on Review of 'The End of Imagination'Standardized TestingEffects of Television Violence on ChildrenMoral and Ethical Issues in Hiring New EmployeesCapital PunishmentHip-Hop is ArtArguments for Physician-Assisted Suicide (PAS)Relationship between Media Coverage and Social andResearch Process Part OnePETSTEL analysis of IndiaLifes What Ifs

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Bestbuy's innovation opportunity Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Bestbuy's innovation opportunity - Essay Example For example Kodak, that invented the digital camera technology but failed to capitalize and now struggling with possible extinction. One of the most important opportunities created by innovation is in the resultant potential of a company’s private brand. Private brand here refers to a brand placed on products that larger manufacturers have made for the smaller retailers (p 23). With innovation, the quality of the products intended to the smaller retailers has improved immensely. The percentage market power associated with these high-valued products has therefore increased the brand’s potential (p 28). More demand for these brands and job creation has surge high with innovation. Innovation also has increased brands’ competitiveness in the market. It is, therefore, evident that with innovation our brand at Best Buy & Apos has increased immensely both competitively and in quality. Apart from brand potential, another opportunity of innovation is ease of market access by our company (p 32). Through incorporation internet in our business operation, our touch with most customers has increased immensely. Our products have therefore reached even markets that were otherwise unattainable (p 36). Finally yet importantly, innovation has opened opportunity for diversity of products we can now

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Centralized PC Security Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Centralized PC Security - Essay Example To protect data, security policies are required to be defined. Contingency planning is also an essential aspect which cannot be disregarded. As per Ramesh, V.C., and Xuan Li there are three dimensions of contingency planning â€Å"The first issue concerns the handling of multiple objectives; we discuss the benefits of using fuzzy logic for handling this issue.  The second issue is the consideration of the economic cost of post-contingency corrective actions as well as the utility of discrete control actions that complicate the modeling and solution of the contingency planning problem.  The last issue is the need for of advanced parallel computing techniques for addressing the real-time aspects of many contingency planning problems;† 2 Analysis of Problems ABC Corporation has twenty seven desktop workstations either connected with each other via a hub or a switch. The workstations are only workgroups as there is no domain and security policies applied in the organization ex cept some users have Internet access and only the manager has a separate email account. There is no email server available to provide separate email addresses to employees. The separate email addresses enables instant correspondence between the subordinates, hence making the communication better and cost effective. Currently the employees are using telephone for coordination which is not cost effective. Some workstations are used to store data. There is no access policy defined for the data stored in the workstations. The data is vulnerable as anyone can access it or delete it. The server is used only for providing internet access and data transfer within the network. There is no firewall installed in the network, either hardware or software which makes the data, hardware, software defenseless. There is no connectivity between the regional offices and head office. The manager access the financial information from the head office using the computer network. The 5 regional offices hav e five databases which they are maintaining individually. Immense amount of time is wasted when head office sends a CD named â€Å"House types data† to each regional office. The administrator copies the files available on the CD to the locally maintained database. The data is updated because the project managers have to access the plans and building specifications of the houses the company builds. The data contains all the detailed information of the house construction material which is required. There is no backup of devices, data, workstations and server. If any workstation containing database crashes, the data will be lost. 2.1 Security Vulnerabilities The impact of the security breach issues is unpredictable. It can be diverted and involves human suffering as well as revenue loss for the organizations. One of the security breach took place on 21 October 2010, as per â€Å"† The Philadelphia Inquirer states â€Å"Keystone Mercy Health Pla n and AmeriHealth Mercy Health Plan have notified 280,000 Medicaid members that their information may be at risk after a portable computer drive containing the names, addresses, and health information was lost. The last four digits of 801 members' Social Security numbers were also stored on the hard drive†. This incident is related to theft of the hardware devices risking 280,000 Medicaid

Sunday, November 17, 2019

Proof of God's existence and Human error Research Paper

Proof of God's existence and Human error - Research Paper Example It is a logical reality that in order for something to be created, someone must create it. According to Descartes, in order for an idea to contain objective reality, it must be derived from a cause that contains at least as much of a formal reality as there is objective reality in the idea. With this logic, Descartes explains that the objective reality of an idea cannot come from a man therefore it must be derived from something else. Only a perfect and infinite being could be capable of creating such an idea, and since man is not infinite, therefore such ideas can never be derived from man. On the other hand, God is perfect and an infinite being with infinite formal reality, therefore such objective ideas must have come from God; therefore God exists. Second proof of the existence of God is that; the power and action needed to preserve something are the same as needed for creating something anew. Creation of something is an effect and each effect has a cause, therefore there must be as much reality in the cause as in the effect. According to Descartes, man cannot have power to preserve himself therefore the existence that caused the creation of man must be the one preserving the man himself. Since man can think, the entity that created man must also have the ability to think. Man is not a perfect being and had man been able to create himself, he would have made the man perfect. Since man has ideas of perfection therefore the entity that created man must be perfect. Therefore, through this logical derivation, it can be inferred that God exists. Both these proofs are different from each other due to the perspective through which they are presented. The first proof is presented by using the logic of the infinity of an idea and the cause that created that idea. On the other hand, the second proof is presented by the logic of the existence of man himself. The second proof is more convincing because it provides an easily understandable logic from the perspective of the existence of humans. Descartes needed two proofs to widen the scope of his philosophy. Proving the same fact using two different dimensions only adds to the depth of the argument. Two proofs are also important because different people with different perspectives may be able to understand them easily. Two proves do not do different works for Descartes because these are only two ways of proving the same fact. After proving that God exists and he is perfect, there arises a question regarding the imperfection of man. If God is perfect, why is there room for error or imperfection? Descartes presents a convincing argument as a reply to this question which is; there is a scale having two extremes that are nothingness and perfection, and man exists somewhere between these two extremes. Man is less perfect than God but he is more than mere nothingness. Therefore, error is not a positive reality according to Descartes but it just the absence of what is correct. Thus Descartes infers that man can err without God giving him any ability to do so but error happens only due to the mortality of the ability of the man to judge the truth. Descartes thus describes the existence of human error as the inability of the man to determine why God chose to create the man. It is due to the limited knowledge of the man which is not infinite as that of God. Therefore, it can be said that the arguments presented by Descartes are convincing because he explains the existence of

Friday, November 15, 2019

Online Cinema Reservation System

Online Cinema Reservation System This assignment title for Introduction to Software Engineering assignment is to do a research and analysis of a software project. The topic chosen for this assignment is Online Cinema Ticket Reservation System. Following are the tasks need to be done of the assignment. To identify the requirements for cinema online ticket reservation system. To identify the design principles and concept and produce the design based on the mentioned concepts. To identify the testing strategies and techniques for the software and how it can be carried out. To identify the implementation strategies for the software Online Cinema Ticket Reservation System is an Internet based application that can be accesses throughout the internet and can be accessed by anyone who has an internet connection. This application will automate the reservation of tickets and enquiries about availability of the tickets. This application includes email confirmation for the tickets. Currently, this system is widely use by airline, cinema, and other sector of company. For the system, the methodology chosen to develop the software is Rapid Application Design (RAD). The Following will state the advantages of RAD and the description of RAD with timeline to develop an online cinema ticketing reservation system. Increased speed of development through methods including rapid prototyping, virtualization of system related routines, the use of CASE tools, and other techniques. Lower costing as rapid development saves time. Low complexity, emphasis on simplicity and usability. Before cinema online ticket reservation is created, the way that customer make ticket reservation is through phone reservation. However, using phone reservation has some problems. Following will discuss about the problems before the system is created and how the system solve the problem. Prank Call The most common problem occurs is prank call. In the past, there are no member login is required, therefore, anyone able to make a reservation. In the situation, many people will take advantage to make a prank call. They will make reservation for many times without collect the ticket. Solution: System required customer to register and login to their account before they can use the system. If the customer cannot collect the ticket after make the reservation, customer required to cancel the reservation 1 hour before movie start showing. Otherwise, the customer account will be blocked from using for certain period if they repeated the same action for more than 3 times. Phone line traffic The second problem occurs is phone line traffic. Customer will make phone call to enquire the movie show time and they will spend some time to choose movie section. In the other hand, other customers try to make phone call reservation. Therefore, phone line traffic will occur. Part of the customer unable contacts the phone call center. Solution: The online reservation system should be designed that able to check the movie show time and make reservation via internet. Therefore it can reduce the problem of phone line traffic. Operator The third problem is similar case with second problem. The company needs to hire a lot of operator to able all the call of customer. However, there is not always many phone call will call in. Therefore, those operators will have nothing to do. This would be a waste of financial resource if the man power is not fully utilized. Solution: By using the system, customers able to get all information about movie show time. Therefore, mostly customers prefer to use the system. It can reduce dependency of phone call reservation. Meanwhile, company can reduce the number of operator and avoid the problem of operator complain by customer. In fact, there is similar system on the internet, but there is cancelation method found in the existing system. This problem cause the members that make reservation have to collect their ticket 30mins before the movie start showing, and they have wait at least 30mins until the movie start showing. Solution: The new system developed allow member to cancel their reservation tickets in 2 hour advanced before the movie start showing. If a member did not cancel the tickets and did not collect the ticket, the member account will be banned for certain period. Requirement Analysis There are 2 types requirement available in software engineering research method, there are functional requirement and non- functional requirement. Functional requirement defines functions available in a system. Functional requirements are supported by non- functional requirements. It drives the application architecture of a system. Functional requirements can be technical details, calculations, data processing and manipulation and other specific functionality that defines the system and the functional of the system supposed to accomplish. Non-functional requirements also know n as quality requirements. It drives the technical architecture of a system. It is a requirement that specifies criteria that can be used to judge the operation of a system. Non- functional requirements can be category into 2 categories which is execution qualities and evolution qualities. Execution quality is observable at run time. Example of execution quality is security and usability. In the other hand, Evolution quality is embodied in the static structure of the software system. The example of it is maintainability, testability, scalability, extensibility and many others. Functional Requirement There are certain functional requirements that need to be carrying out by cinema online ticket reservation system. Cinema hall need to have a website that allows any user of internet access to the webpage. Besides that, there should have other functionality can be perform by the system. For example, a user able to do following activity in the system: Login to the system through the first page of the application. Change the password after logging into the system. Able to modify their own information after login. Able to create a new login for the accessing the reservation facility. View movie now showing list after login. Reservation can be making three day before the show. View his current reservations with the details. Able to choose the seats which can are available for a certain class. Cancel reservation Figure above show that activity that able to perform by customer The system need to respond to the activity done by user. The following is the activity should be performed by the system: A new password send to the user though email if the user forgotten about his or her password. A mail will be send to the concerned person about the confirmation of the ticket to the specified email address after user make a reservation ticket. Show the fare for the corresponding shows and amount of money needs to be pay for selected seats. The login ID and password should be sent to the mentioned email address if a new account is created. However, the same customer always makes ticket reservation but did not collect the ticket. The particular customer will block from using the online ticket reservation system for certain period if repeated the action for more than 3 times. Reservation ticket will automatically open for sales if the ticket has not collect 15 minutes before the show. It gives more time for customer that make online reservation to collect the ticket. Figure above show that activity that perform by system automatically Non Functional requirement Each system also consists of non-functional requirements. In this case, when a user makes a reservation via online, the database needs to make a record of it. It is consider as execution quality. All the information need to be update in real time. The system will compatible with the ticket selling system in ticket selling point. Following is different type of non functional requirement need to include in the system. Usability known as user friendly, the system should have the user guild of the system and cannot allow complex interface design Response time -System also needs to have a good response time. It needs to respond in the shortest time after customer click a button. Platform compatibility -System need to able to perform in different platform such as Linux, Window, and Mac OS. Privacy -It also should keep of customer and do not review any information of customer to other people without agreement of the particular customer. Supportability -system should able to perform in any type of web browser. For example is Windows Explorer, Mozilla Firefox, Google and etc. Maintainability System able to updated time by time. In this case, when a new movie released, cinema able to update the movie information to the system. Design The design concept use to develop the online cinema ticketing reservation is software architecture. It is the overall structure of the software and the ways in which that structure provides conceptual integrity for a system. In order to design the system, there is some hardware and software required. The following is the tools for design the software. Hardware requirements No. Description Alternatives (If available) 1 PC with 2 GB hard-disk and 512 MB RAM Not-Applicable 2 Server Not-Applicable Software requirements No. Description Alternatives (If available) 1 Windows 95/98/XP with MS-office Not Applicable 2 MS-SQL server MS-Access 3 Linux Not Applicable 4 Oracle database system POSTgres 5 Adobe Dreamweaver Microsoft FrontPage After the system architect equip with the tools, he will start design the interface, functionally of the system and database according the system requirement. The Following are the flowchart of the system. Once a customer enter the system webpage, the customer able to perform the activities such as login, view movie show times, register and request a new password if member forgot about his password. If the customer wants to check the movie show times, customer needs to enter the cinema or movie with watching date. Then the system will display the movie shows time. Meanwhile, if the customer wants to become a member, the customer needs to submit his personal information and automatically he will register as a member. Once a member login, he can make movie reservation, cancel movie reservation and modify his personal information. In case a member forgot about his password, he can request a new password send to his personal email account. The following will display the design of the webpage and database design. The diagram above shows the main webpage of the online cinema ticket reservation system. Customers able to login, view show times, select movie description and other action in this webpage. The webpage above is the page after a member login. The page will show all the reservation has made. Member can cancel reservation, make reservation and modify personal information at this page. Member need to select the movie, cinema and enter number of seat before proceed to the next step. Member can choose the seat for reservation purpose. After the reservation made, a reference number will send to member email. The webpage also will shows the reference number If a member forgot about his password, the member can request a new password and the password will send via email to the email account registered. The webpage above shows the screen of the movie shows time. The webpage above allow user enter his personal information to become a member. Member also can update his personal information on the same page. The database of customer personal information The database of customer reservation The relationship diagram of customer information and customer reservation Testing The system will be tested using component testing. Component testing is test the system individually. Test will be caring out for ensure the system able to meet the function requirement include functional and non- functional required. The following are the test plan need to carry out to ensure the system work properly. Test Procedure / Input Expected Result Customer able to register as a member and save all the personal information in database. Customer enter all his personal information include name,, phone number, email address, and etc. All the information store in database Customer able to view movie show times without login as member. Customer select movie, cinema, or day to view to movie. The movie show time schedule for particular information will show. Member able to login into the system. Member enter ID and password Member able to use the online reservation system service Member able to update personal information in database. Member enter new personal information New information will updated in database. Member able to make reservation and the reservation information will update in database. Member select movie, cinema, show time, and seat for reservation All the information store in database, member able view the information Member able to cancel reservation and the reservation will remove from database. Member select the reservation that wish cancel The selected reservation will be remove from database. Member able to request new password and the password will send to member email account. Member request a new password The new password will send to the member email account based on the email provided when register System able to perform in different platform System test in different operation system System able to perform in different operation system Able to perform at different web browser System test in different web browser System able to perform at different web browser Information able to update anytime Staff enter the new movie show time list New movie show time list able to store in database, and member able to view it Implementation For implement the propose system, hardware and software are needed. The following table shows the minimum hardware and software needed to implement the system. Hardware requirements No. Description Alternatives (If available) 1 PC with 2 GB hard-disk and 512 MB RAM Not-Applicable 2 Server Not-Applicable Software requirements No. Description Alternatives (If available) 1 Windows 95/98/XP with MS-office Not Applicable 2 MS-SQL server MS-Access 3 Linux Not Applicable 4 Oracle database system POSTgres Manpower requirements The estimation of the manpower required is 2 to 3 students for complete the system in 2 à ¢Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â‚¬Å¡Ã‚ ¬ 3 months if they work fulltime on it. Implementation process In order to implement the system, company need to register a domain name. According to, it will cost RM650 to register a domain name for 10 years. After register the domain, software engineer will upload the system to the internet and link it with the server. Testing will be carry out to ensure to system show to error. Conclusion After the research is caring out, there are some advantages toward the company and customer. Company does not need to hire extra staff as mention at the problem definition section. It can improve the cost efficiency of the company by installing the online cinema ticketing reservation system. Besides that, it can attract more costumer as internet used by many people at current era. From the point of customer, they do not need to worry about all the ticket sold out if they have made the ticket reservation earlier. They also do not have long queue to purchase ticket. Besides that, they can make ticket reservation anytime. Therefore, company estimate can gain more profit if they implement the online ticket reservation system.

Tuesday, November 12, 2019

Defining Good Advice :: Psychology Advising Essays

Defining Good Advice Good advice is something that could be hard to come-by but once found can help a person in the long run. Good advice is usually taken from someone who is an expert, someone that the advisee respects (parent, elder, teacher, coach), or a friend. Advice can be used at any time. Any time you are stuck, or just in a situation in which you need help, or just advice to do a certain task, or to help you out in a situation is good advice if you use what they said and it works. If the advice isn't really used it's merely just information or a suggestion. Here is an example of an advisee getting advice from an advisor that is respected. It was the summer of my sophomore year in high school, and I was sitting down getting ready to select classes for the upcoming school year with my mom. We were sitting at the kitchen table one night that summer tossing around ideas on what I wanted to be and do with my life, and what classes fit what we were talking about. I thought it was the stupidest thing ever and I just wanted to take the easiest classes that good ole Rhinelander High School had to offer, but not with my mom right there. So we got to talking about what I wanted to be. "It was always a dream of mine to be a doctor" I replied to my mom. "Yes I know but with you slouffing off the way you did last year in high school, then you better get your act together, cause grades are very important." she added. I thought to myself "she is just babbling, that’s what she always tells me, but what do I really want to do with my life?" I questioned myself. I then added "I can't see myself being a doctor, and going through a ll of those hard classes in college, I want to get in and get out with a degree" I added, "Maybe I'll be an accoutant, I did really good in that class, I didn't even get a B on one test or assignment" I replied. Oh did my mom love that idea, "Are you sure?" "Yeah why not, I can give it a shot" I answered in excitement. "Ya know what I really don't know mom, I get confused on what I want to do, I feel like I'm rushing my life so fast that I'm not going to get anything done that I want to get done in my life" I told her.

Sunday, November 10, 2019

Every Reality Is a Fiction, the Player Essay

Our world consists of many realties. Two being commercial, and the other, artistic. A commercial reality is one limiting risk, and predictability, always aiming to suit those who yearn for it. Artistic reality however, breaks rules, and has social merit. This means there are many possible outcomes. One could be saddened or depressed by the reality, and others, joyful. It is because of this uncertainty in artistic realities that the film industry, as well as many other industries, have taken it upon themselves to glorify the truth. It is because of their coexistence that causes them to clash. The statement that every reality is fictitious, is rather bold however. Although in numbers, there are a few people who hold very strong moral and have a sense of quality in what they do. The Hollywood film industry is mainly commercial. Offering little or no interest in writers work that consists depth. This reality consumes those considered â€Å"naive† to the industry. Commercial realities are realities that are created by people who want to escape their own and subconsciously create a reality that is deemed impossible to the â€Å"real† world. Commercial realities are attractive to most, because you can experience something otherwise unimaginable. This is known as a reality lacking artistic merit. It is us, the audience of massive Hollywood productions, that show true appreciation of films made by producers who show no other interest than creating fictional nonsense and profiting from it. Hollywood creates commercially successful films without artistic merit, and those that have this merit are difficult to come by. Movies such as Who’s Afraid of Virginia Woolf by Ernest Lehmen, and Boys Don’t Cry by Kimberly Peirce pose a social function, and â€Å"break the rules† of The Film Industry. The film making industry is created by artificial characters living paranormal lives that we aspire to have. However, who can jump from a 4 story building and land on the ground with no injury? Who can be stabbed and instantly heeled by only a bandage and continue battling the world with heroic attributes and a vision to sustain â€Å"humanity as we know it†? Commercial realities are fictitious, stick to a strict formula, and leave us dreaming of a better life. The American Film Industry however, would argue that without these commercially rich movies, there will be no economic growth without the return or investment they provide. A contrasting reality to those of commercial is that of artistic. This reality has deeper meaning to it, and value. Artistic reality may be generally defined as the attempt to represent subject matter truthfully, without artificiality and avoiding artistic challenging elements. Artistic reality is better known as ‘realism. ’ â€Å"Realism revolted against the exotic subject matter and exaggerated emotionalism and drama of the Romantic Movement. Instead it sought to portray real and typical contemporary people and situations with truth and accuracy, and not avoiding unpleasant or sordid aspects of life. † – Sourced from Wikipedia’s â€Å"Realism (art)†. Artistic realities reveal the truth, which means they may emphasize the ugly or despicable. Artists use their work as a form of expressionism, which is open to interpretation. Their oeuvre breaks the rules, as they see the ordinary, and can create new pieces that challenge the mind and provide social merit. Many people attempt to depict things accurately, from either a visual, social or emotional perspective. Theatre Realism shares many stylistic choices with naturalism, including a focus on every day (middle-class) drama, colloquial speech, and mundane settings. Realism rejects imaginative idealization in favour of a close observation of outward appearances. Often artistic realities can be labelled as fictitious. This is due to the majority of society being so involved in consumerism, that they can no longer differentiate from commercial being formulated, and artistic as challenging. Commercial realities enhance the breeding of money. Commercial values manipulate the very anatomy of a natural, mundane reality. â€Å"Commercially precious films of ‘reality’ have become the organ grinder’s monkeys of money. † They are made to increase the generative value and staying in power of money, the power of money to breed money, to fertilize itself. They are not made to empower people and provide certain value. Artistic reality however, leaves no stone unturned. Realism sees little value in money, and it sees no reciprocal material possession that could be exchanged for money. Artistic realities merely capture that which is tangible and accurate. Society may attempt to defend themselves by escaping this as it may be deeply depressing. It is the confusion of distinguishing between commercial and artistic realities that ultimately reduces both to nothing but fictitious mumbo jumbo that controls our lives. The difference between the two is huge, however difficult for ‘commoners’, or those not involved in the film industry, to interpret. Whether an individual comprises their lives of commercial or realistic values, these values can be labelled as fabricated or factual. The film industry’s repackaging and misrepresentation of the truth to suit themselves, is entirely profitable. This profitability is their ultimate ruling guideline. If a film does not provide profits, the film was a total failure, regardless of its social merit. Artistic realities are open to interpretation and provide a bit of freedom for people to choose the outcomes of scenarios. Painters, writers, film makers and news reporters are some of the main people involved in the way reality is interpreted because they are their own masters, and creators. Every one watches them, reads their papers or interperates their work. It is important for people to recognise that regardless of the message that is trying to be brought across, that reality is subjective, and hence, it may appear fictitious to anyone apart from their maker. Commercial or artistic.

Friday, November 8, 2019

Conflict essays

Conflict essays Conflict is the struggle which grows out of two opposing forces, whether the forces being man versus man, man verses himself, man verses nature, man versus fate, or man versus society. Good examples of conflict can be found in almost any book. Little Women by Louisa May Alcott is full of all types of Little Women is a book about four sisters, Meg, Jo, Beth, and Amy, who live with their mother during the time of the Civil War, which their father is out fighting. The first example of conflict used in Little Women is when Amy, the youngest sister listens to her older sisters saying that it was dreadful to be poor, and replies with the comment, I don't think it's fair for some girls to have plenty of pretty things, and other girls nothing at all. This shows conflict between man and society because Amy is comparing herself to the girls of higher society. Little Women also contains other types of conflict. Another kind is man versus man. Man versus man conflict is shown when Meg and Jo get envied to see a play with their neighbor, Laurie. Amy desperately wants to go with them to see the play, but Jo sternly tells her she is just too young to go. Amy, in return of Jos harsh remarks, gets mad and finds the book Jo is writing, throws it in the fire and burns it. The next day Jo can not find her book, and finds out Amy burnt it. She rages in anger and fights with Amy, and says she will never forgive her. An example of man versus nature conflict happens when Beth gets sick. While the girls mother is away, the sisters have to take over her chores and jobs. One of her jobs is to care for the Hummel family. The Hummel family is a poor family that has a sick baby and will not go see a doctor. While Beth is helping care for the sick baby, it dies in her arms. Not long later, Beth is sick, and finds out she has the same disease, scarlet ...

Wednesday, November 6, 2019

President Clinton Essays - Rodham Family, Bill Clinton, Free Essays

President Clinton Essays - Rodham Family, Bill Clinton, Free Essays President Clinton The content of President Clinton's speech was elaborated and over zealous. His focus was directed on three topics: the past, the present, and the future. In the introduction, he started by addressing the challenges that will be bestowed upon us in the next century. His first point being the history of the United States, beginning with the 18th Century. Then went on reciting selected text from historical documents, such as, The Preamble and The Constitution. The second point examined how the economy has come along the past four years. "Americans produced the great middle class . . . ," He insured the economical raise by the lower percent of poverty and unemployment. His main focus wasn't on the present, but what will come in the future. Throughout his inaugural address, the 21st Century and the future, were numerously mentioned. After the first ten minutes, I became confused and bored. He had positive points and a general idea of what he wanted to do, but no evidence of how he was going to achieve "the bridge to the 21st century." An amusing aspect occurred when sirens went off in the distant at the exact time President Bill Clinton spoke of a better economy. His speech was too formal and I think he might have had pauses written on his notes, informing the audience when to clap. The President has a respectable speaking voice, but he needs to remember who his audience is. He doesn't need to exhibit how many complex words he can jumble into a sentence, just notify the American citizens of his plans to improve the 21st Century.

Sunday, November 3, 2019

CASE 3 ETHICS - Physical Privacy Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

CASE 3 ETHICS - Physical Privacy - Essay Example Utilitarianism focuses on the consequences of actions, and the consequences of suspending these two players are generally good, while Deontology understands that although people have rights to enhance themselves, they should do so within the bounds of law and integrity, to which they have duties of following. Utilitarians assert that an action is good, if it results to a net good for the greatest number of people, and severe penalties for artificially enhancing performance have widespread benefits to numerous stakeholders (Brooks & Dunn, 2010, p.183). First, the penalty respects the hard work of majority of athletes who do not use these enhancers. Using testosterone has been documented to have immediate physical and functioning effects on athletes, such as increased strength, agility, and speed (Lumpkin, Stoll, & Beller, 2012, p.154). Their former manager, Brian Cashman, says that he is not surprised that these athletes used testosterone. He said: â€Å"In Bartolo’s case, as well as he has done last year as well through this year, at his age, after coming back from that surgery, makes you scratch your head† (DelVecchio, 2012). As for Cabrera, Cashman’s comments were: â€Å"When we traded him to Atlanta we had him as a low-end, everyday regular or an excellent fourth outfielder† (DelVecchio, 2012). ... Sports must be about natural abilities that are improved through regular practice, discipline, and other â€Å"natural† efforts. If everyone followed the same practice of using enhancers, people would no longer know if the performance they see is â€Å"natural† or a product of drug enhancement. The â€Å"truth† and â€Å"reality† of sports will be shattered. This means that using testosterone can have negative effects on the perceptions of both athletes and sports. The penalties are just because they ensure that athletes would not succumb to similar practices and that the sports industry’s image will not be marred. With such a high penalty, other athletes will be discouraged of using enhancers. They will know that the harms to their income and career will outweigh the benefits. Third, using these enhancers has side effects (Lumpkin et al., 2012, p.154). They can experience â€Å"life-threatening problems such as extreme psychoses, heart disease, li ver and kidney damage, and cancer (Lumpkin et al., 2012, p.155). Other side effects are mood swings and uncontrollable aggression (Lumpkin et al., 2012, p.155). With these negative effects on athletes, it means that Cabrera and Colon are harming themselves. If the youth follows their enhancement practices, they will also be in peril. Thus, as role models who can detrimentally affect the sports industry and other athletes, Cabrera and Colon deserve a steep punishment. Deontology focuses on duty, not consequences, and Cabrera and Colon have duties to the sports industry, fellow athletes, and audience to follow rules and regulations (Ferrell et al., 2011, p.159). The sports industry has already banned the use of testosterone and other artificial enhancers because they are unethical. Cabrera and Colon are aware of these

Friday, November 1, 2019

Modern pricing models Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 1

Modern pricing models - Essay Example Some of the shortcomings experienced with the Black-Scholes model were strike-price bias and return skewness. Consequently, the development of the Heston model came in as the best alternative tool for the purposes of advanced investments (Gilli, Maringer & Schumann 2011, p.257). As any other stochastic volatility model, the Heston model utilizes statistical methods when making calculations or forecasts of the various pricing options in consideration. As such, it also bases on the assumption that the underlying security or trading option has an arbitrary volatility. Therefore, the Heston model falls among the various different models of stochastic volatility such as the GARCH model, the Chen model, as well as the SABR model. Consequently, the Heston Model also falls under the standard smile model category, with â€Å"smile† in this concept referring to the volatility smile. A volatility smile is a graphical representation of various options that have identical expiration date expressing an increasing volatility. This increase in volatility arises often arises when the options become more out of the money or in the money. The concave shape generated by the graph is what gives rise to the name, the smiles model, as it appears like a smile (Wang 2007, p. 3). The Heston Model applies mathematical calculations in describing the process of evolution in volatility that an underlying asset undergoes under the stochastic volatility options. As such, just as other statistical models mentioned above, the Heston Model equally has a number of assumptions, such as the volatility of an asset not being constant, or deterministic, but rather following a random process. Some the of the basic assumptions of the Heston Model is that the stochastic process determines the asset price, St In addition, forms part of the Wiener Process as experienced under the GBM (Geometric Brownian Motion) also considered

Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Definition of Common Law Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Definition of Common Law - Term Paper Example The name "common law" is also used to refer to the conventional and long established, precedent-based element in the law of any common-law jurisdiction, as disparate to its statutory law or legislation. As well it the term common law is also used to signify that part of the legal system that did not develop out of equity, maritime law, or other special branches of practice. (Eldon) In addition to England, common law is practiced in all of Canada except Quebec and all of the United States except Louisiana. All of these areas follow common law and U.S. state statutes usually provide that the common law, equity, and statutes in effect in England in 1603, the first year of the reign of James I, shall be deemed part of the law of the jurisdiction. (Homes) Decisions of the English courts that were made later only have persuasive authority. There are particular characteristics and features of common law that distinguish it from other types of law. The one feature that distinguishes common law is the fact that it represents the law of the courts as expressed in judicial decisions. "The grounds for deciding cases are found in precedents provided by past decisions, as contrasted to the civil law system, which is based on statutes and prescribed texts." (Holmes) In addition, the system of judicial precedents, other characteristics of common law include trial by jury and the doctrine of the supremacy of the law. In the beginning, the supremacy of the law meant that not even the king was above the law; however today it can be translated as meaning that acts of governmental agencies are subject to scrutiny in ordinary legal proceedings. Judicial precedents gain their force from the doctrine of stare decisis [Lat., =stand by the decided matter], i.e., that the previous decisions of the highest court in the jurisdiction are binding on all other courts in the jurisdiction. (Holmes) However, in the when conditions change they make most decisions inapplicable except as a basis for an analogy, and a court must consequently frequently look to the judicial experience of the rest of the English-speaking world. "This gives the system flexibility, while general acceptance of certain authoritative materials provides a degree of stability." (Eldon) On the other hand in many occurrences, the courts have failed to keep speed with social developments. As a result of this, it has become necessary to enact statutes to bring about needed changes. Without a doubt in recent years statutes have superseded a great deal of common law. This is especially true in the fields of commercial, administrative, and criminal law. Characteristically, however, in statutory interpretation, the courts have recourse to the doctrines of common law. (Eldon) In consequence increased legislation has limited but has not ended judicial supremacy. Â  

Monday, October 28, 2019

Herodotus Thucydides Essay Example for Free

Herodotus Thucydides Essay The accounts of what happened in the past are known as history. People who recorded history in any way are called historian. As early as 5th millennium B. C, ancient Sumerians already recorded their history, making them the earliest historians. Many great historians were produced as history was being made. But simply writing history will not produce good historians. Good historians are not only producing written accounts of what they believed happened just for the sake of recording something, but can also provide genuine material or testimonial evidences of what they claimed happened which can be inspected, tested, reviewed, or retraced by others , can accurately record the facts without incorporating their own ideas or beliefs, can effectively transmit their recorded works through succeeding generations, and can bring their reader back to the past when the event actually happened (Simkin 1). The two most common ancient historians whom works are always being compared are Herodotus of Halicarnassus and Thucydides of Athens. Herodotus of Halicarnassus was known from his work entitled â€Å"The Histories† which was divided into nine volumes and was given the name of a muse- Greek mythology Goddess- for each. In his books, Herodotus recorded mainly the events happened during the Persian and Greek wars and the accounts of his journey throughout the Mediterranean and Black sea including the place he reached, describing the geography, faunas, and floras, and the people he met, taking into accounts of the stories, claims, ideas and beliefs of each individual (Zarit 1). With his early written descriptions of history, Herodotus has been known as the â€Å"Father of History† (â€Å"Herodotus Compared with Thucydides† 1). On the other hand, Thucydides of Athens was an Athenian military general known from his work entitled â€Å"History of the Peloponnesian War† which describes the battle between the Peloponnesian Alliance- led by the Spartans- and Delian Alliance- led by the Athenians (Maxwell 1). Thucydides escaped death caused by the plague that spread in Athens. This plague killed many famous philosophers and scholars, including the elite and common Athenians. Thucydides obtained fame and respect from his fellow Athenians with less effort since he came from an aristocrat Athenian family. He served in the military and later became a general which gave him easy access to account accurate information (Zarit 3). Thucydides has been known as the â€Å"Father of Scientific History† due to the historical accounting method he used, and has been called the â€Å"Father of the School of Political Realism† due to his unbiased account of different political views in his book (Maxwell 1). Herodotus and Thucydides were both Greek historians but both wrote history on different historical perspective, analysis, and purpose as seen in the contents of their works. Herodotus wrote his book mainly for his fellow Greeks. He intended not only to inform but also to entertain them by infusing his literary writing capabilities. If some information he gathered was not too appealing and would cause disinterest to his audience, Herodotus would sometimes exaggerate or use some â€Å"artistic† words to his work to attract the attention of the audience (â€Å"Herodotus Compared with Thucydides† 1). Since Greeks considered their selves direct descendant of Gods and Goddesses, they accepted Greek God mythology as fact, believing the will of their Gods and Goddesses as valid and true. Furthermore, the Greek oracles was considered the link between them and their immortal Gods, therefore anything that the oracle said was also considered an absolute truth (Maxwell 1).. Herodotus included the prophecies and advises made by the Greek oracles in his work. He explained things or events, relying to Greek God mythology as his reasons. He usually used the prophecies and advises of the oracle to predict the outcome and to explain the consequence of a historical event. The influence of his religion and his artistry to his works could be seen when he named his book after the nine Greek God deities (Zarit 2). Herodotus took into account all information, data, and facts available to him whether these said information, data, and facts was directly connected to his subject being discussed in his book or unnecessary information. He recorded detailed account on his subject matter, sometimes too detailed descriptions that create several degrees of sub-subjects which may lead to confusion or comprehension difficulties for some readers. Furthermore, if the first hand information is not available for his access, Herodotus used second hand information. Even if the source of the second hand information was not certain with the details, Herodotus was obliging the source to pick the closest information he could remember. In some instances, Herodotus let his reader choose the most likely conclusion of an event if unexpected outcome or opposing result can occur (â€Å"Herodotus Compared with Thucydides† 1). The focus of Herodotus in writing his work was to find the cause that led to the Greek-Persian war. He tried to include all possible reasons including but not limited to religions, topography, culture, animals and beliefs of different places involved (Zarit 2). Herodotus’ â€Å"The Histories† can be summarize as a history book written in a literary way. Despite of biased and inaccurate accounts, readers still prefer to read Herodotus’ work than Thucydides’ because it was presented in an amusing way. Thucydides wrote his book mainly for the purpose of educating future generations. Unlike Herodotus, Thucydides accounted history using inductive approach. He deduced the outcome of a phenomenon based on what the accessible evidences were dictating. He was unbiased when recording information, keeping out his personal ideas and beliefs to influence his work. Despite of being a military general of Athens, he still presented his works fairly, without being impartial to Athenians or Spartans point of view (â€Å"Herodotus Compared with Thucydides† 1). Although Thucydides was raised as Greek, nurturing strong Greek ideas, beliefs, and norms, he did not let this influence him. He tried to explain phenomenon and conclude the outcome of events using logic as reason not divine intervention which was contradictory on what Herodotus did. Thucydides’ written accounts were concise and direct. His descriptions on his subject were detailed and straightforward which were usually supported by several evidences he gathered including his own observations. He did not include information or description without supporting evidences to back them up. He made sure that the proof he used can be tested, viewed or examined again by others (Maxwell 1). If proofs were not available, he preferred not to record the event. This approach of Thucydides’ explanation was similar to the method used now in scientific inquiries and investigations- the scientific method-, hence giving Thucydides the title â€Å"Father of Scientific History†. Thucydides’ perspective to history is mainly about politics as seen in his work the â€Å"History of the Peloponnesian War†. In his work, Thucydides clearly and accurately recorded facts. Thucydides described the sites where the war had taken place. He introduced the people involved in the war, their roles and goals. He accounted the outcome of several military campaigns. But most importantly, he discussed the political aspects, morals, and decisions behind each event and their corresponding consequences that led to the outcome (Zarit 3). He used these facts to synthesize theories why men go to war. He tried to explain the cause of war in the context of human reasons. Furthermore, he concluded that if man would prefer reasons to settle conflicts, war could be prevented. Thucydides’ conclusions, political perspective and analysis to history are still widely used today (Maxwell 1). Today, the validity of his ideas is still applicable and is still being taught. With this perspective and analysis to history, Thucydides was named â€Å"Father of the School of Political Realism† (Zarit 3). Herodotus’ and Thucydides’ approach in writing history were very different. Regardless of whom the audience is and what the purpose is in writing history, the historical contents should be valid, accurate, precise and true. This could be supported by evidences such as written documents, geographical validity or verbal accounts. Furthermore, the continuing relay and availability of historical facts through succeeding generations is equally important as its truthfulness, since history is written to be read by others. Since both works of Herodotus and Thucydides satisfied the successful transmission through generations, only its truthfulness could be questioned. Many evidences proved the validity of Thucydides claims. On the other hand, some claims of Herodotus were also proven valid. But in this race of who is better historian between the two, Thucydides of Athens gave more valid and accurate claims in his account, therefore making him the better historian. References: â€Å"Herodotus Compared with Thucydides. † Free Essays. 21 November 2001. 23 August 2008 uk/classical-studies/herodotus-thucydides/2paper/. Maxwell, Michael. â€Å"Herodotus Thucydides. † StudentsFriends. 2001. 23 August 2008 http://www. studentsfriend. com/historians. html. Simkin, John. â€Å"What makes a good historian? † The Education Forum. 1 January 2005. 23 August 2008 http://educationforum. ipbhost. com/index. php? showtopic=2777. Zarit, Ben. â€Å"Herodotus and Thucydides Through the Lens of Aristotle. † The Perseus Project. 9 May 1995. 23 August 2008 http://www. perseus. tufts. edu/GreekScience/Students/Ben/aristotle. html.

Saturday, October 26, 2019

Light and Dark in Joseph Conrads Heart of Darkness Essay -- Heart Dar

Light and Dark in Heart of Darkness  Ã‚      Joseph Conrad's Heart of Darkness is a tragic tale of the white man's journey into the African jungle. When we peel away the layers, however, a different journey is revealed - we venture into the soul of man, complete with the darkness of depravity as well as the wonderful. In this essence Conrad uses this theme of light and darkness to contrast the civilized European world with the savage African world in Heart of Darkness. As aforementioned, within Heart of Darkness, Conrad uses light and dark to symbolize good and evil, respectively. "It is whiteness that is truly sinister and evil, for it symbolizes the immoral scramble for loot by the unscrupulous and unfeeling Belgian traders in ivory and human flesh; the whiteness of ivory is also contrasted with the blackness of the natives whose lives must be destroyed for its sake" (Gillon 25). In other words there is a perversion of light and dark and what they represent.   The characteristic of ivory is its colour of white, but rather then being associated with purity and all that it is good, it re... ... of Darkness. Middlesex, England: Penguin Publishers, 1983. Gillon, Adam. (1982). Joseph Conrad. Twayne's English Author Series: Number 333. Kinley E. Roby, ed. Boston: Twayne. "Joseph Conrad." The Encarta 1998 Encyclopedia Online. Microsoft, 1998. Kunitz, Stanley J. "Joseph Conrad." Twentieth Century Authors: Vol. T. New York: H.W. Wilson Company, 1942. 307-9 Stape, J.H.. The Cambridge Companion to Joseph Conrad. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. Taylor, Derek. Conrad's Heart of Darkness. The Explicator. No.4 Summer 1998: 195-8.