Wednesday, December 11, 2019

Sports Management Flying Pig Marathon

Question: Discuss about the Sports Management for Flying Pig Marathon. Answer: Introduction: Application of Brand Equity and Branding by Aaker to the Creation of Flying Pig Marathon According to Aaker (2009), brand creation depends on the proper combination of symbols, names, and logos. This combined feature specifies a particular product or service and differentiates it from other products available in the market. Aaker applied the proper branding strategy in formulating the brand of Flying Pig Marathon in Cincinnati. Organising an event to establish the brand identity of Flying Pig Marathon was the first step implemented by Aaker. The formulation of the Winged Pig and the Flying Pig logo had been differentiating the brand from all other marathon brands across the country. On the other hand, the second step was considering the special attraction of the events. The organisers were trying to attract the new breed of runners by interacting and offering experiences. The maintenance of such interactive procedure was effective enough in creating a strong brand identity. Influences on new breed of Marathon It was noted that the organisers of the Flying Pig marathon were implementing the unique brand strategy to create the strengthened position of the brand. This strategy included the identification of the target market. The investigation report reflected that the previous marathon races have already revealed some of the significant trends. The new breed of runners was drawn to the marathon by organising some of the fundraising charitable programmes (Olberding and Olberding 2014). It was ensured that the runners would require the efficient volunteers for the traditional races. However, the major influence was found in the demographic profile of the new runners. As a result, the organisers realised that the traditional approaches would be much insufficient if they would bring the new runners in the race. Significance of the Name Flying Pig to the people of Cincinnati The name Flying Pig was signifying the unique heritage of Cincinnati. The people of Cincinnati were much fascinated with pigs. The city was famous for the leading meatpacking centre across the country. It was entitled with the nick name Porkopolis. In current time, a large statue is found with four riverboat smoke stacks, which was topped with soaring winged pigs. This statue is situated at Sawyer Point on the Ohio River. Andrew Leicester, the artist of this statue defined the concept of structuring such statue. He mentioned, The angelic spirits of all the pigs that were slaughtered and that were the building blocks of Cincinnatis prosperity (Olberding and Jisha 2005). Therefore, the name has the special significance to the people of Cincinnati. Ways of Receiving Supports and Awareness from the Local Community The race organisers became attentive towards the enhancements of the brand awareness among the local community. In generating the supports, they undertook different steps. Firstly, the focus on the local interests was the major concern. Therefore, the event organisers made contacts with local politicians, celebrities, and community leaders to establish a mile-long segment a year before the inaugural race. Another strategy implemented by the race organisers to enhance the support level was the transparent communication. They gathered different types of media source to promote such events and making the local people aware of this marathon race (Dillon 2002). The playful attitude of the constituents was thus effective enough in generating attention of the local communities. Marketing Research Conducted by Stacy Montagner It was noted that Stacy Montagner was given the responsibility of selecting the names, logos, and symbols related to the marathon race. The selection of such logo and symbols was needed to be designed very carefully. Montagner involved another non-runner to develop the logos of marathon (Olberding and Jisha 2005). It was helpful in developing the non-traditional feel among the runners. The first logo was featuring a winged pig, which looked like a cartoon. This pig was featured with old fashioned aviator goggles. This logo was used for the posters in the websites. Another logo featured the winged pig with pink-on-black profile. Both the non-athletic logos were selected for the promotional activities. References Aaker, D.A., 2009.Managing brand equity. Simon and Schuster. Dillon, D. 2002. Marriage on the Run. Marathon and Beyond, 6(2), 100-108. Olberding, D.J. and Jisha, J., 2005. The flying pig': building brand equity in a major urban marathon.Sport Marketing Quarterly,14(3), p.191. Olberding, J.C. and Olberding, D.J., 2014. The social impacts of a special event on the host city: a conceptual framework and a case study of the Cincinnati Flying Pig Marathon.International Journal of Hospitality and Event Management,1(1), pp.44-61.

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