Tuesday, November 12, 2019

Defining Good Advice :: Psychology Advising Essays

Defining Good Advice Good advice is something that could be hard to come-by but once found can help a person in the long run. Good advice is usually taken from someone who is an expert, someone that the advisee respects (parent, elder, teacher, coach), or a friend. Advice can be used at any time. Any time you are stuck, or just in a situation in which you need help, or just advice to do a certain task, or to help you out in a situation is good advice if you use what they said and it works. If the advice isn't really used it's merely just information or a suggestion. Here is an example of an advisee getting advice from an advisor that is respected. It was the summer of my sophomore year in high school, and I was sitting down getting ready to select classes for the upcoming school year with my mom. We were sitting at the kitchen table one night that summer tossing around ideas on what I wanted to be and do with my life, and what classes fit what we were talking about. I thought it was the stupidest thing ever and I just wanted to take the easiest classes that good ole Rhinelander High School had to offer, but not with my mom right there. So we got to talking about what I wanted to be. "It was always a dream of mine to be a doctor" I replied to my mom. "Yes I know but with you slouffing off the way you did last year in high school, then you better get your act together, cause grades are very important." she added. I thought to myself "she is just babbling, that’s what she always tells me, but what do I really want to do with my life?" I questioned myself. I then added "I can't see myself being a doctor, and going through a ll of those hard classes in college, I want to get in and get out with a degree" I added, "Maybe I'll be an accoutant, I did really good in that class, I didn't even get a B on one test or assignment" I replied. Oh did my mom love that idea, "Are you sure?" "Yeah why not, I can give it a shot" I answered in excitement. "Ya know what I really don't know mom, I get confused on what I want to do, I feel like I'm rushing my life so fast that I'm not going to get anything done that I want to get done in my life" I told her.

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