Sunday, January 5, 2020

Government In Cannery Row - 1472 Words

The Government is a source of help for many people. Sometimes this grand of a government fails on us. Then people begin to struggle. However sometimes the government takes over our lives to help us. Not like a National Socialistic take over of our lives, but a socialistic. However, there are also many different types of ideologies that the government controls its people. The people of Cannery Row have created a socialist atmosphere to replace the government that has failed them. Socialism in America began in Chicago IL, June 15-21, 1897. This ideology was founded at a joint convention of the new combined American Railway Union. This was due to the two Railway Industries combining with each other, Eugene V. Debs and the Brotherhood of the†¦show more content†¦Lee knew some people would never pay back and some people would need to take time to pay back with 0% interest. Communism is a very similar –ism to socialism. Both are left-winged. However, Communism is more similar to Liberalism in the aspect of helping out its own people. In communism the government makes everyone at the same level, no one richer or poorer nor have more pay or less pay. And there is no such thing as private property, government monopolizes with industries. Everyone is an equal and everyone helps each other. This is a revolutionary socialistic concept. The last to understand Socialism is National Socialism. This is Hitler’s form of government, also known as Nazism. This form of government is nothing like Cannery Row’s government, at all. In National Socialism people are not equal, racist, value of property and race are above equality, and the absence of religion. This ideology is almost the complete opposite of socialism that is running through Cannery Row. What is similar is absence of religion, Cannery cease to have any type of religion and the people in the town are no racists at all. 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