Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Definition of Common Law Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Definition of Common Law - Term Paper Example The name "common law" is also used to refer to the conventional and long established, precedent-based element in the law of any common-law jurisdiction, as disparate to its statutory law or legislation. As well it the term common law is also used to signify that part of the legal system that did not develop out of equity, maritime law, or other special branches of practice. (Eldon) In addition to England, common law is practiced in all of Canada except Quebec and all of the United States except Louisiana. All of these areas follow common law and U.S. state statutes usually provide that the common law, equity, and statutes in effect in England in 1603, the first year of the reign of James I, shall be deemed part of the law of the jurisdiction. (Homes) Decisions of the English courts that were made later only have persuasive authority. There are particular characteristics and features of common law that distinguish it from other types of law. The one feature that distinguishes common law is the fact that it represents the law of the courts as expressed in judicial decisions. "The grounds for deciding cases are found in precedents provided by past decisions, as contrasted to the civil law system, which is based on statutes and prescribed texts." (Holmes) In addition, the system of judicial precedents, other characteristics of common law include trial by jury and the doctrine of the supremacy of the law. In the beginning, the supremacy of the law meant that not even the king was above the law; however today it can be translated as meaning that acts of governmental agencies are subject to scrutiny in ordinary legal proceedings. Judicial precedents gain their force from the doctrine of stare decisis [Lat., =stand by the decided matter], i.e., that the previous decisions of the highest court in the jurisdiction are binding on all other courts in the jurisdiction. (Holmes) However, in the when conditions change they make most decisions inapplicable except as a basis for an analogy, and a court must consequently frequently look to the judicial experience of the rest of the English-speaking world. "This gives the system flexibility, while general acceptance of certain authoritative materials provides a degree of stability." (Eldon) On the other hand in many occurrences, the courts have failed to keep speed with social developments. As a result of this, it has become necessary to enact statutes to bring about needed changes. Without a doubt in recent years statutes have superseded a great deal of common law. This is especially true in the fields of commercial, administrative, and criminal law. Characteristically, however, in statutory interpretation, the courts have recourse to the doctrines of common law. (Eldon) In consequence increased legislation has limited but has not ended judicial supremacy. Â  

Monday, October 28, 2019

Herodotus Thucydides Essay Example for Free

Herodotus Thucydides Essay The accounts of what happened in the past are known as history. People who recorded history in any way are called historian. As early as 5th millennium B. C, ancient Sumerians already recorded their history, making them the earliest historians. Many great historians were produced as history was being made. But simply writing history will not produce good historians. Good historians are not only producing written accounts of what they believed happened just for the sake of recording something, but can also provide genuine material or testimonial evidences of what they claimed happened which can be inspected, tested, reviewed, or retraced by others , can accurately record the facts without incorporating their own ideas or beliefs, can effectively transmit their recorded works through succeeding generations, and can bring their reader back to the past when the event actually happened (Simkin 1). The two most common ancient historians whom works are always being compared are Herodotus of Halicarnassus and Thucydides of Athens. Herodotus of Halicarnassus was known from his work entitled â€Å"The Histories† which was divided into nine volumes and was given the name of a muse- Greek mythology Goddess- for each. In his books, Herodotus recorded mainly the events happened during the Persian and Greek wars and the accounts of his journey throughout the Mediterranean and Black sea including the place he reached, describing the geography, faunas, and floras, and the people he met, taking into accounts of the stories, claims, ideas and beliefs of each individual (Zarit 1). With his early written descriptions of history, Herodotus has been known as the â€Å"Father of History† (â€Å"Herodotus Compared with Thucydides† 1). On the other hand, Thucydides of Athens was an Athenian military general known from his work entitled â€Å"History of the Peloponnesian War† which describes the battle between the Peloponnesian Alliance- led by the Spartans- and Delian Alliance- led by the Athenians (Maxwell 1). Thucydides escaped death caused by the plague that spread in Athens. This plague killed many famous philosophers and scholars, including the elite and common Athenians. Thucydides obtained fame and respect from his fellow Athenians with less effort since he came from an aristocrat Athenian family. He served in the military and later became a general which gave him easy access to account accurate information (Zarit 3). Thucydides has been known as the â€Å"Father of Scientific History† due to the historical accounting method he used, and has been called the â€Å"Father of the School of Political Realism† due to his unbiased account of different political views in his book (Maxwell 1). Herodotus and Thucydides were both Greek historians but both wrote history on different historical perspective, analysis, and purpose as seen in the contents of their works. Herodotus wrote his book mainly for his fellow Greeks. He intended not only to inform but also to entertain them by infusing his literary writing capabilities. If some information he gathered was not too appealing and would cause disinterest to his audience, Herodotus would sometimes exaggerate or use some â€Å"artistic† words to his work to attract the attention of the audience (â€Å"Herodotus Compared with Thucydides† 1). Since Greeks considered their selves direct descendant of Gods and Goddesses, they accepted Greek God mythology as fact, believing the will of their Gods and Goddesses as valid and true. Furthermore, the Greek oracles was considered the link between them and their immortal Gods, therefore anything that the oracle said was also considered an absolute truth (Maxwell 1).. Herodotus included the prophecies and advises made by the Greek oracles in his work. He explained things or events, relying to Greek God mythology as his reasons. He usually used the prophecies and advises of the oracle to predict the outcome and to explain the consequence of a historical event. The influence of his religion and his artistry to his works could be seen when he named his book after the nine Greek God deities (Zarit 2). Herodotus took into account all information, data, and facts available to him whether these said information, data, and facts was directly connected to his subject being discussed in his book or unnecessary information. He recorded detailed account on his subject matter, sometimes too detailed descriptions that create several degrees of sub-subjects which may lead to confusion or comprehension difficulties for some readers. Furthermore, if the first hand information is not available for his access, Herodotus used second hand information. Even if the source of the second hand information was not certain with the details, Herodotus was obliging the source to pick the closest information he could remember. In some instances, Herodotus let his reader choose the most likely conclusion of an event if unexpected outcome or opposing result can occur (â€Å"Herodotus Compared with Thucydides† 1). The focus of Herodotus in writing his work was to find the cause that led to the Greek-Persian war. He tried to include all possible reasons including but not limited to religions, topography, culture, animals and beliefs of different places involved (Zarit 2). Herodotus’ â€Å"The Histories† can be summarize as a history book written in a literary way. Despite of biased and inaccurate accounts, readers still prefer to read Herodotus’ work than Thucydides’ because it was presented in an amusing way. Thucydides wrote his book mainly for the purpose of educating future generations. Unlike Herodotus, Thucydides accounted history using inductive approach. He deduced the outcome of a phenomenon based on what the accessible evidences were dictating. He was unbiased when recording information, keeping out his personal ideas and beliefs to influence his work. Despite of being a military general of Athens, he still presented his works fairly, without being impartial to Athenians or Spartans point of view (â€Å"Herodotus Compared with Thucydides† 1). Although Thucydides was raised as Greek, nurturing strong Greek ideas, beliefs, and norms, he did not let this influence him. He tried to explain phenomenon and conclude the outcome of events using logic as reason not divine intervention which was contradictory on what Herodotus did. Thucydides’ written accounts were concise and direct. His descriptions on his subject were detailed and straightforward which were usually supported by several evidences he gathered including his own observations. He did not include information or description without supporting evidences to back them up. He made sure that the proof he used can be tested, viewed or examined again by others (Maxwell 1). If proofs were not available, he preferred not to record the event. This approach of Thucydides’ explanation was similar to the method used now in scientific inquiries and investigations- the scientific method-, hence giving Thucydides the title â€Å"Father of Scientific History†. Thucydides’ perspective to history is mainly about politics as seen in his work the â€Å"History of the Peloponnesian War†. In his work, Thucydides clearly and accurately recorded facts. Thucydides described the sites where the war had taken place. He introduced the people involved in the war, their roles and goals. He accounted the outcome of several military campaigns. But most importantly, he discussed the political aspects, morals, and decisions behind each event and their corresponding consequences that led to the outcome (Zarit 3). He used these facts to synthesize theories why men go to war. He tried to explain the cause of war in the context of human reasons. Furthermore, he concluded that if man would prefer reasons to settle conflicts, war could be prevented. Thucydides’ conclusions, political perspective and analysis to history are still widely used today (Maxwell 1). Today, the validity of his ideas is still applicable and is still being taught. With this perspective and analysis to history, Thucydides was named â€Å"Father of the School of Political Realism† (Zarit 3). Herodotus’ and Thucydides’ approach in writing history were very different. Regardless of whom the audience is and what the purpose is in writing history, the historical contents should be valid, accurate, precise and true. This could be supported by evidences such as written documents, geographical validity or verbal accounts. Furthermore, the continuing relay and availability of historical facts through succeeding generations is equally important as its truthfulness, since history is written to be read by others. Since both works of Herodotus and Thucydides satisfied the successful transmission through generations, only its truthfulness could be questioned. Many evidences proved the validity of Thucydides claims. On the other hand, some claims of Herodotus were also proven valid. But in this race of who is better historian between the two, Thucydides of Athens gave more valid and accurate claims in his account, therefore making him the better historian. References: â€Å"Herodotus Compared with Thucydides. † Free Essays. 21 November 2001. 23 August 2008 uk/classical-studies/herodotus-thucydides/2paper/. Maxwell, Michael. â€Å"Herodotus Thucydides. † StudentsFriends. 2001. 23 August 2008 http://www. studentsfriend. com/historians. html. Simkin, John. â€Å"What makes a good historian? † The Education Forum. 1 January 2005. 23 August 2008 http://educationforum. ipbhost. com/index. php? showtopic=2777. Zarit, Ben. â€Å"Herodotus and Thucydides Through the Lens of Aristotle. † The Perseus Project. 9 May 1995. 23 August 2008 http://www. perseus. tufts. edu/GreekScience/Students/Ben/aristotle. html.

Saturday, October 26, 2019

Light and Dark in Joseph Conrads Heart of Darkness Essay -- Heart Dar

Light and Dark in Heart of Darkness  Ã‚      Joseph Conrad's Heart of Darkness is a tragic tale of the white man's journey into the African jungle. When we peel away the layers, however, a different journey is revealed - we venture into the soul of man, complete with the darkness of depravity as well as the wonderful. In this essence Conrad uses this theme of light and darkness to contrast the civilized European world with the savage African world in Heart of Darkness. As aforementioned, within Heart of Darkness, Conrad uses light and dark to symbolize good and evil, respectively. "It is whiteness that is truly sinister and evil, for it symbolizes the immoral scramble for loot by the unscrupulous and unfeeling Belgian traders in ivory and human flesh; the whiteness of ivory is also contrasted with the blackness of the natives whose lives must be destroyed for its sake" (Gillon 25). In other words there is a perversion of light and dark and what they represent.   The characteristic of ivory is its colour of white, but rather then being associated with purity and all that it is good, it re... ... of Darkness. Middlesex, England: Penguin Publishers, 1983. Gillon, Adam. (1982). Joseph Conrad. Twayne's English Author Series: Number 333. Kinley E. Roby, ed. Boston: Twayne. "Joseph Conrad." The Encarta 1998 Encyclopedia Online. Microsoft, 1998. Kunitz, Stanley J. "Joseph Conrad." Twentieth Century Authors: Vol. T. New York: H.W. Wilson Company, 1942. 307-9 Stape, J.H.. The Cambridge Companion to Joseph Conrad. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. Taylor, Derek. Conrad's Heart of Darkness. The Explicator. No.4 Summer 1998: 195-8.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

How I’Ve Changed over the Past Year

How I Have changed over the past year? Humans are as changeable as the weather. Or perhaps a more frequent changer. And being one myself I’m no different. Every night when I look back to the previous day I see no change. But when I look back to the year that has just passed, I do see the difference. The experiences I went through changed me to a better or may be something close to a reformation. Nevertheless I’m not the same anymore I was always known to be short-tempered and egoistic. But last year one incident really changed the way I was and thought. My sudden fluctuations in temper made me lose a lot of friends and the loneliness I was in taught me to be more friendly and patient. My friends always knew how to react to my rudeness but unfortunately I forgot my new friends were not accustomed to it. I met some buddies in a friend’s birthday party, last year, who were more than just casual acquaintances. One of them dropped coke over my new silk dress and that did it! I started yelling at her without noticing I am ruining the party. To my surprise the girl started crying and ran away while I was left standing clueless. The birthday boy came up and said â€Å"I think you better go wash yourself, Sunnu, before the spots get dry. I’ll call you later. † He never called and probably would not have if I had not met him in a mall a few days later. â€Å"Yes, I didn’t. But neither did you. † He answered when I asked why he did not call. â€Å"But you said ‘you’ will call. â€Å"Yes, but don’t you think you were at fault and should have taken the first step and said sorry? † I was very confused. I did not know what he meant. Why should ‘I’ be sorry? It was ‘her’ fault, not mines. But now I know why he did not. I was too egoistic to even think of being sorry, let alone saying it. She did a mistake unintentionally, but I did a bigger mistake by not doing what I should have done – forgive and forget. I realized this when one day one of my friends told me â€Å"Sunnu, you never accept the fact that even ‘you’ can make mistakes. You are always too angry to even think what other people might feel at your choice of words. † I was lonely. My friends had left me trying every possible ways to make me realize. But this lone feeling gave me time to think over everything and that is when I realized how wrong I was. One day, one week, one month and in a year I changed myself. I was a reformed Sunayna. I was better and the proof is all the old friends and many new ones happily smiling on the pictures in my â€Å"My Friends† album on Facebook.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Associate versus baccalaureate degree in nursing Essay

According to the JAMA Network, registered nurses in the United States are able to receive their basic education in a ADN and BSN program in colleges and universities†¦ Although there are a variety of educational programs preparing RNs, some studies have suggested that baccalaureate-prepared nurses are more likely to demonstrate professional behaviors important to patient safety such as problem solving, performance of complex functions, and effective communication. (â€Å"Educational Levels,† n. d) A large number of situations have been reported in the research studies reviewed. No major differences are noted between the cognitive abilities of students in baccalaureate and associate degree programs. (Davis-Martin, 1990, p. 2) Associate degree nurses are able to perform well in technical roles for which they have been prepared, as well as in some leadership roles for which they were not originally prepared. I am a prime example of that associate degree nurse who has been performing in leadership roles over the years this is due to on the job training and attending management courses. Baccalaureate nursing practice incorporates the roles of assessing, critical thinking, communicating, providing care, teaching, and leading. (, 2) As a result of the many changes in health care along with the changing needs of patients, it is necessary for nurses to advance to higher levels of education. Having many years of experience seems to not carry as much value as does the level of education in the nursing world. When I graduated almost 34 years ago from nursing school, the positions held by ADN nurses were more of a charge nurse role. Most of the management positions were held by BSN nurses. As health care systems throughout the world are changing, studies have shown that â€Å"quality patient care hinges on having a well educated nursing workforce; lower mortality rates, (Ed. ). (). The AACN Essentials of Baccalaureate Education for Professional Nursing Practice (Ed. ). : . []. http://dx. doi. org/. Retrieved from Davis-Martin, S. (1990, Jan 1990). Pub Med NLN Pub [Abstract]. NLN Publ, 15-2339: 109-45. http://dx. doi. org/ncbi. nlm. nih. gov/pubmed/2406700 Rosseter, R. J. (n. d). Creating a More Highly Qualified Nursing Workforce [Fact Sheet]. Retrieved from American Association of Colleges of Nursing (AACN) Educational levels of Hospital Nurses. (n. d). JAMA Network. http://dx. doi. org/jama. jamanetwork. comnurse after a quick assessment of the situation made appropriate arrangements for a meal ticket for the family member along with a free parking pass. As a result of the advanced educational knowledge received in her BSN course of study the charge nurse was able to incorporate critical thinking skills, prompt and adequate treatment  of the human response, communication skills along with an holistic approach to health care she was able to minimize a negative outcome for the patient and family member hence solved a situation that could have had far reaching effects. As a result of having a BSN I will be provided with more of an in-depth study in all areas of physical science, research, ethical decision making, leadership, accountability, critical thinking and effective communication. Having the education and knowledge nurses will be able to see the entire picture thus enhancing performance. The BSN nurse is well prepared to meet the demands of today’s ever changing health care systems throughout the world. fewer medication errors, and positive outcomes are all linked to nurses prepared at the baccalaureate and graduate degree levels†. (Rosseter, Para 1). Medical facilities that are applying for their Magnet status are encouraging their ADN nurses to obtain a BSN degree, and are no longer hiring ADN nurses. Prime example my hospital just this month completed our Magnet journey and received qualification status. Due to the increase in online RN to BSN programs,  many nurses fifty years and older are returning to school. I happen to be one of them. There area few situations involving the difference in competency between BSN nurse versus an ADN nurse that I have witnessed. One situation a patient was scheduled for a colonoscopy and was told to arrive at 8:00 am for a 9:00 am procedure. The patient was also given an order from the physician’s office to have labs drawn after her procedure so that upon her next office visit the following week the results will be available. The patient realized at 8:45  am she was not called to the pre- op area. An ADN nurse was in the process of escorting another patient to the discharge area and was confronted by the patient and family who at this point were very angry. The nurse stated â€Å"I have no control of the physician he is always late and besides we are very busy and short staffed today† The BSN nurse who was in charge that day, apologized for the delay of the physician who had an emergency in the outpatient GI clinic and for staff not keeping her and family member informed of the delay. She also went on to ask if the physicians  office had requested anything for her to have while on her visit today, since she lived five hours away and had an office appointment next week. The patient replied â€Å"I have some lab work that he wants me to have before coming to see him next week†. The charge nurse (BSN) called the lab made arrangements and had the patient escorted to the lab in a wheelchair to have labs drawn. Upon her return after being pre-op-ed her physician arrived in 15minutes. During the assessment of the patient it was discovered that the family member was a diabetic.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Comparing and Contrasting the Significant Aspects of Machiavellis Political Philosophy Vis a Vis Those of Hobbes, Rousseau and Montesquieu

Comparing and Contrasting the Significant Aspects of Machiavellis Political Philosophy Vis a Vis Those of Hobbes, Rousseau and Montesquieu Introduction Niccolo Machiavelli was born in Florence, Italy, on May 3, 1469. He was a political philosopher and diplomat during the Renaissance period, who became famous for his political discourse â€Å"The Prince† published in 1513 that is a keystone to modern political philosophy. It is this piece of work that made him be aptly referred to as the father of modern political theory.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on Comparing and Contrasting the Significant Aspects of Machiavelli’s Political Philosophy Vis a Vis Those of Hobbes, Rousseau and Montesquieu specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More This essay aims at bringing out the similarities and contrasts of Niccolo Machiavelli’s viewpoint with those of Hobbes, Rousseau and Montesquieu, who are also meant to be renowned philosophers. This will in turn vary the significance of their contributions towards the development of the study of political theory. T o achieve this end, I will systematically divide this paper in three sections. Firstly, I will endeavor to highlight the significant aspects of the political philosophy advocated by each of the four philosophers. Secondly, I will attempt to bring out the shared similarities and divergent perspectives between them and lastly buttress the importance of their efforts in the advancement of the field of political philosophy. Starting with Machiavelli, it is clearly evident in his manuscripts that he favored policies that would encourage self preservation tendencies of the ruling elite. He came up with strategies that would distract the subjects into focusing entirely on self advancement and aggrandizement thereby, warding off mass political activism (Machiavelli, 35-56). The Renaissance period in Italy when political standoffs were intense and violent pitting dominant states, like the Papacy, Florence, Naples, Milan and Venice, against each other inspired him to develop his theories most ly captured in The Prince. Machiavelli also believed that for any survival of a state, a virtuous and patriotic spirit should be engendered in its citizenry, especially in the politically active ones, and that a government is made strong by tussles triggered by open debate and participation. The adjective â€Å"Machiavellian† has been used in a derogatory way since that time as a fitting description of a cunning and a self serving politician. Thomas Hobbes Thomas Hobbes is also widely regarded as one of the greatest political philosophers of all time. The complete expression of Hobbess philosophy found in his leading works ‘Lethiavan’ begins with a clearly materialistic description of human nature and knowledge. It gives a firm deterministic account of human preference and a cynical vision of the consequently natural state of human beings in the unending struggle with each other.Advertising Looking for essay on philosophy? Let's see if we can help you! Ge t your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More According to Hobbes, it is an attempt to break off from this state of affairs, thus we should form the commonwealth and surrender our own powers to the authority of supreme sovereignty. That is why as far as Hobbes was concerned, individual obedience to whatever form of government with the reigns of power was necessary in order to forestall the greater evil of war (Hobbes, 48-104). Jean-Jacques Rousseau Jean Jacques -Rousseau was born in Geneva on June 28, 1712. Rousseaus most dominant work is â€Å"The Social contract† that describes the relationship of man with society. In the work, he describes the state of nature as that which lacks for morality and that is lawless. According to this philosopher, morality and politics go hand in hand, and none can be separated from the other. In this case, the lack of morality within a state results into the virtuous malfunction of that state making it loose its right to genuinely rule over the public. Another key principle brought out by Rousseau is that of freedom and which he believes the state must preserve (Rousseau, 98). Rousseau also argues that the growth of science and art did not benefit man in any way. On the contrary, he believed that the advancement of such knowledge would only reduce the liberty of man and lead to the rise of a powerful government. According to this philosopher, such advancement brought about fear, suspicion and jealousy (Rousseau, 170). Charles de Secondat Montesquieu Another great political philosopher of high standing was Montesquieu who was regarded as the philosopher of Enlightenment. He saw autocracy and particularly despotism as a time bomb for any government exhibiting such dispositions. He was of the argument that this could be prevented only through the formation of a system whereby the various bodies practiced judicial, executive as well as the legislative power, and where these were also placed under the law. Montes quieu was also of the view that most laws in many countries could be made less oppressive, and in such a way, they would be not only liberal but also humane. He called for the eradication of slavery and religious discrimination which he believed should be replaced with commerce and trade (Montesquieu Lowenthal, 68). Comparison between the philosophers Having had an insight of the kind of philosophies that Machiavelli, Hobbes, Rousseau and Montesquieu advanced, we can, therefore, concur that all of them were of the same view in the establishment of a government and the maxim that should be attained by power as well as authority. In other words, each of them thought they had a remedy on how to run a successful government.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on Comparing and Contrasting the Significant Aspects of Machiavelli’s Political Philosophy Vis a Vis Those of Hobbes, Rousseau and Montesquieu specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More The philosophers agreed in the nature of man and in the desire to exist in a society that was ordered and dependent. Additionally, they held the same view of man as a conniving, evil and self-centered being whose greed and individualism had to be exploited to the advantage of the ruling class. Any stark contrasts in their theories can be attributed to the different periods, ideologies and circumstances each of them was finding during the time of their existence. In the case of Niccolo Machiavelli, for example, his life was mostly based on a period of upheaval in Italy. The upheaval can be attributed and described by the unrest, failed loyalties and many battles. On the other hand, Hobbes philosophy was mainly influenced by the civil war in England. This war had more influence than any other factors to the extent that most of his famous works were war based and intended to draw a correlation between the scientific revolution of that era and the development of politics. The three men can be seen to have far fetched influence ranging from the thirteenth century down to the eighteenth century. This has been recorded through their various highly noted vocations. Machiavelli, Hobbes, and Rousseau Montesquieu had many things in common though the word politics acted as the bridge between them. The men had differing ideas in the political arena. According to Machiavelli’s ideas, authoritarianism was the order of the day, the factor that could not merge with democracy. From their ideas, I can assert that the perfect view of a prosperous society falls amid Hobbes’s cynicism as well as Montesquieu optimism. Nowadays, it is a fact that Machiavelli, Hobbes, Rousseau and Montesquieu did not only influence, but shaped modern political theories by their views. Hobbes,Thomas. The Leviathan. Indianapolis: Hackett Pub, 1968. Print. Machiavelli,Niccolo. The Discourses on the First Ten Books of Livy. NY: Penguin Pub, 1984. Print.Advertising Looking for essay on philosophy? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Montesquieu, Charles de Secondat, Lowenthal, David. Considerations on the Causes of the Greatness of the Romans Their Decline. Indianapolis: Hackett, 1999. Print. Rousseau, Jean-Jacques. On The Social Contract. Indianapolis: Hackett, 1987. Print.

Monday, October 21, 2019

Otto Von Bismarck, Iron Chancellor Who Unified Germany

Otto Von Bismarck, Iron Chancellor Who Unified Germany Otto von Bismarck (April 1, 1818–July 30, 1898), a son of the Prussian aristocracy, unified Germany in the 1870s. And he actually dominated European affairs for decades through his brilliant and ruthless implementation of realpolitik, a system of politics based on practical, and not necessarily moral, considerations. Fast Facts: Otto von Bismarck Known For: Prussian aristocrat who unified Germany in the 1870sAlso Known As: Otto Eduard Leopold, Prince of Bismarck, Duke of Lauenburg, Otto Eduard Leopold Fà ¼rst  von Bismarck, the Iron ChancellorBorn: April 1, 1815 in Saxony,  PrussiaParents: Karl Wilhelm Ferdinand von Bismarck, Wilhelmine Luise MenckenDied:  July 30, 1898 in Schleswig-Holstein,  GermanyEducation: University of Gà ¶ttingen (1832–1833), University of Berlin (1833–1835), University of Greifswald (1838)Honors: Bismarck was a hero to German nationalists, who built numerous monuments honoring him as the founder of the new  ReichSpouse: Johanna von Puttkamer  (m. July 28, 1847–Nov. 27, 1894)Children: Marie,  Herbert, WilhelmNotable Quote: Anyone who has ever looked into the glazed eyes of a soldier dying on the battlefield will think hard before starting a war. Early Years Bismarck started out as an unlikely candidate for political greatness. Born April 1, 1815, he was a rebellious child who managed to attend university and become a lawyer by the age of 21. But as a young man, he was hardly a success and was known for being a heavy drinker with no real direction in life. From Atheism to Religion In his early 30s, he went through a transformation in which he changed from being a fairly vocal atheist to being quite religious. He also married, and became involved in politics, becoming a substitute member of the Prussian parliament.​ Throughout the 1850s and early 1860s, he advanced through several diplomatic positions, serving in St. Petersburg, Vienna, and Paris. He became known for issuing sharp judgments on the foreign leaders he encountered. In 1862 Prussian king Wilhelm wanted to create larger armies to effectively enforce Prussia’s foreign policy. The parliament was resistant to allocate the necessary funds, and the nation’s war minister convinced the king to entrust the government to Bismarck. Blood and Iron In a meeting with legislators in late September 1862, Bismarck made a statement which would become notorious: â€Å"The great questions of the day will not be decided by speeches and resolutions of majorities...but by blood and iron.† Bismarck later complained that his words were taken out of context and misconstrued, but â€Å"blood and iron† became a popular nickname for his policies. Austro-Prussian War In 1864 Bismarck, utilizing some brilliant diplomatic maneuvers, engineered a scenario in which Prussia provoked a war with Denmark and enlisted the help of Austria, which derived little benefit itself. This soon led to the Austro-Prussian War, which Prussia won while offering Austria fairly lenient surrender terms. Prussia’s victory in the war allowed it to annex more territory and greatly increased Bismarck’s own power. The Ems Telegram A dispute arose in 1870 when the vacant throne of Spain was offered to a German prince. The French were concerned about a possible Spanish and German alliance, and a French minister approached Wilhelm, the Prussian king, who was in the resort town of Ems. Wilhelm, in turn, sent a written report about the meeting to Bismarck, who published an edited version of it as the â€Å"Ems Telegram.† It led the French to believe that Prussia was ready to go to war, and France used it as a pretext to declare war on July 19, 1870. The French were seen as the aggressors, and the German states sided with Prussia in a military alliance. Franco-Prussian War The war went disastrously for France. Within six weeks, Napoleon III was taken prisoner when his army was forced to surrender at Sedan. Alsace-Lorraine was overtaken by Prussia. Paris declared itself a republic, and the Prussians besieged the city. The French eventually surrendered on January 28, 1871. The motivations of Bismarck were often not clear to his adversaries, and its commonly believed that he provoked the war with France specifically to create a scenario in which the South German states would want to unify with Prussia. Bismarck was able to form the Reich, a unified German empire led by the Prussians. Alsace-Lorraine became an imperial territory of Germany. Wilhelm was declared Kaiser or emperor, and Bismarck became chancellor. Bismarck was also given the royal title of prince and awarded an estate. Chancellor of the Reich From 1871 to 1890 Bismarck essentially ruled a unified Germany, modernizing its government as it transformed into an industrialized society. Bismarck was bitterly opposed to the power of the Catholic Church, and his kulturkampf campaign against the church was controversial but ultimately not entirely successful. During the 1870s and 1880s, Bismarck engaged in a number of treaties which were considered diplomatic successes. Germany remained powerful, and potential enemies were played off against each other. Bismarck’s genius lay in being able to maintain tension between rival nations, to the benefit of Germany. Fall From Power and Death Kaiser Wilhelm died in early 1888, but Bismarck stayed on as chancellor when the emperor’s son, Wilhelm II, ascended to the throne. But the 29-year-old emperor was not happy with the 73-year-old Bismarck. The young Kaiser Wilhelm II was able to maneuver Bismarck into a situation in which it was publicly stated that Bismarck was retiring for reasons of health. Bismarck made no secret of his bitterness. He lived in retirement, writing and commenting on international affairs, and died in 1898. Legacy The judgment of history on Bismarck is mixed. While he unified Germany and helped it become a modern power, he did not create political institutions that could live on without his personal guidance. It has been noted that Kaiser Wilhelm II, through inexperience or arrogance, essentially undid much of what Bismarck accomplished, and thereby set the stage for World War I. Bismarcks imprint on history has been stained in some eyes as the Nazis, decades after his death, attempted at times to portray themselves as his heirs. Yet historians have noted that Bismarck would have been horrified by Nazis. Sources Otto Von Bismarckâ€Å"History - Otto Von Bismarck.†Ã‚  BBC.â€Å"Otto Von Bismarck Quotes.†Ã‚  BrainyQuote, Xplore.

Sunday, October 20, 2019

10X TBE Electrophoresis Buffer Protocol or Recipe

10X TBE Electrophoresis Buffer Protocol or Recipe TBE and TAE are used as buffers in molecular biology, primarily for electrophoresis of nucleic acids.  Tris buffers are used under slightly basic pH conditions, as for DNA electrophoresis, because this keeps the DNA soluble in the solution and deprotonated so it will be attracted to the positive electrode and will migrate through a gel. EDTA is an ingredient in the solution because this common chelating agent protects nucleic acids from degradation by enzymes. The EDTA chelates divalent cations that are cofactors for nucleases that may contaminate the sample. However, since the magnesium cation is a cofactor for DNA polymerase and restriction enzymes, the concentration of EDTA is kept purposely low (around 1 mM concentration). 10X TBE Electrophoresis Buffer Materials 108 g of Tris base [tris(hydroxymethyl)aminomethane]55 g of boric acid7.5 g of EDTA, disodium saltDeionized water Preparation for  the 10X TBE Electrophoresis Buffer Dissolve the Tris, boric acid, and EDTA in 800 ml of deionized water.​Dilute the buffer to 1 L. Undissolved white clumps may be made to dissolve by placing the bottle of solution in a hot water bath. A magnetic stir bar can aid the process. You do not need to sterilize the solution. Although precipitation may occur after a span of time, the stock solution is still usable. You can adjust the pH using a pH meter and dropwise addition of concentrated hydrochloric acid (HCl). Its fine to store TBE buffer at room temperature, although you may wish to filter the stock solution through a 0.22-micron filter to remove particle that would foster precipitation. 10X TBE Electrophoresis Buffer Storage Store the bottle of 10X buffer solution at room temperature. Refrigeration will accelerate precipitation. Using 10X TBE Electrophoresis Buffer The solution is diluted before use. Dilute 100 mL of 10X stock to 1 L with deionized water. 5X TBE Stock Solution Recipe The advantage of the 5X solution is that its less likely to precipitate. 54 g of Tris base (Trizma)27.5 grams of boric acid20 mL of 0.5 M EDTA solutionDeionized water Preparation Dissolve the Tris base and boric acid in the EDTA solution.Adjust the pH of the solution to 8.3 using concentrated HCl.Dilute the solution with deionized water to make 1 liter of 5X stock solution. The solution may also be diluted to 1X or 0.5X for electrophoresis. Using a 5X or 10X stock solution by accident will give you poor results because as much heat will be generated.  In addition to giving you poor resolution, the sample may be damaged. 0.5X TBA Buffer Recipe 5X TBE stock solutionDistilled deionized water Preparation Add 100 mL of the 5X TBE solution to 900 mL of distilled deionized water. Mix thoroughly before use. Limitations Although TBE and TAE are common electrophoresis buffers, there are  other options  for low-molarity conductive solutions, including lithium borate buffer and sodium borate buffer. The problem with TBE and TAE are that Tris-based buffers limit the electric field that can be used in electrophoresis because too much charge causes a runaway temperature.

Saturday, October 19, 2019

The Awakening by choplin and how women were treated in the Victorian Research Paper

The Awakening by choplin and how women were treated in the Victorian era - Research Paper Example The Victorian era can be taken as a good example of the past discrepancies that existed between the wealth of the nation, the national authority of England and its social conditions. Once one peruses the books of history, a significant amount of information can be deciphered concerning this period. One of these that best exemplify the daily life at that era is the book by Kate Chopin. Though not based in England, it gives an impression of the norms at that era; this, the author achieved by the use of the lead character, Edna Pontellier. Women were regarded differently in accordance to their social status. However, they had little overall control and rights in society. They lived in a culture that embraced women as beings of the home. Evaluation The novel by Kate Chopin endeavors to elucidate on the situation of women in the Victorian era. Throughout the novel, a number of themes are presented across that boost the author’s intention of showing the existence of male dominance, or simply depict a male favored culture (Armstrong, p. 5). The title of the novel refers to the rebirth of the main character into her true self. The Awakening contains a considerable amount of information about the nature of gender based relationships present in the Victorian era. ... Whenever this was not the case, society frowned upon the concerned women, as was the fact in Edna Pontellier’s case. Edna yearned for freedom, so as to act and do as she pleased. She yearned for artistic, sexual and monetary freedom. This, however, was not allowed in her culture at that time. This fact can best be exemplified by her choice of going out on a Tuesday rather than entertaining guests at her house (Chopin, p.51). The Victorian era was a time that had adopted a chocking and moralistic garb. The Awakening portrays marriage to have been a significant barrier to happiness, self awareness and individual fulfillment. Typical marriages, at the time, adopted a Tarzan and Jane perspective (Adams et al 2004, p. 24). This is what the lead character of the novel sought to defy. Edna wanted more than what society deemed fair for her and women in general. She frequently thought of herself as being out of place when interacting with other women (Chopin and Karma, p. 35). Rather t han, be confined to the norms of her time, Edna adopted a unique sense of individualism. She concerned herself with fulfilling her own desires rather than concentrating on her home, children and husband. Edna embodied a sense of individualism that was nonexistent in the Victorian era, which was the ambition of a majority of women. Her individuality is illustrated in a number of cases in the novel. One of these instances is at the end of the novel when she refuses to marry Robert Lebrun, a man she adores for the sake of retaining her newly found freedom. This work by Kate Chopin embodies a century old question which takes precedent between the desires of the person or that of the public as a whole. The question takes the form of whether to conform to societal

Friday, October 18, 2019

3 extra credits Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

3 extra credits - Assignment Example to remind Greg of this in a low tone, but Greg cuts her off, avoids eye contact and in a loud voice; tells her that her cheerleading team is so boring that one could drop dead from watching them and that she might as well quit. Jess, then says nothing and Greg in turn inform her that they are moving to the next occasion. Jess tries to explain to Greg that she is a cheerleader and cannot afford to miss the game, but Greg pulls her by the waist and leads her towards the college gate telling her that they will have more fun at the party. Emily reluctantly agrees and follows Greg to the party missing her equally important game. Right from the start, Greg does not show any interest in what Jess has to say. He does not give her a chance to talk and when Jess tries to he immediately cuts her off. Jess, on the other hand, does not communicate with Greg about the importance of the cheerleading team and at some point goes quiet. The characters also avoid eye contact. Greg makes all the decisions in the relationship without wanting to get Jess’s opinion and Jess do not have the courage to refuse his proposals even when they are not in line with what she has planned. The characters should have maintained eye right from the beginning of the conversation. Disclosure is important in communication; Jess should, therefore, learn to disclose her feelings to Greg. Jess should also have been assertive in her communication with Greg. Greg should have listened to Jess; not only by waiting for her to voice out her issues, feedback, and not interject her in the middle of her conversation. The first sentence of the article population growth and control review is contradictory to what the author talks about in the main article. The author begins the sentence stating that, through history, human beings have been an inconsequential pressure on the planet. This might not be the way that the writer would want to start his article because, throughout the article, the writer talks about how

Elder Abuse (CASE) Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Elder Abuse (CASE) - Essay Example Elder abuse is a serious health as well as social problem and a major cause of death and injuries. According to NCEA statistics, those experiencing abuse have a 300% higher risk of death. The aim of this paper is to discuss the characteristics of abusers and victims, the types of abuse and how one at risk can seek help by looking at the case of Ms. Sanders. Ms. Sanders is 72 years old and with a declining health status hence at risk of elder abuse. Although her son Simon has taken over the responsibility of taking care of her, this does not prevent the abuse as research shows that most abuse is perpetrated by family members and to make matters worse, he abuses prescription medications. There are various types of elder abuse according to APA (2014) and (NCEA 2014) : physical; verbal, emotional or psychological; sexual; financial or exploitation and neglect. Physical abuse occurs through hitting, kicking, shoving, physical restraints and other methods that cause injury to the victim. Warning signs include: bruises, burns, broken bones, and repeated unexplained injury. Verbal, emotional or psychological abuse involves name calling, threats, intimidation, and disrespectful comments that cause fear or emotional distress to the victim. Warning signs of this abuse include: unusual depression, uncommunicative, unreasonably suspicious or unexpl ained changes in behaviour. Sexual abuse involves inappropriate tuouching, sexual contact or rape and can be recognized if the victim has bruises on breasts or genital areas or unexplained vaginal bleeding. Financial abuse is in the form of fraud, forgery, identity theft, home improvement scams and predatory lending (California Department of Justice, 2014). For such elders, their life circumstances do not match their financial assets, there are unusual bank activities like ATM withdrawals. Neglect may not be intentional

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Macroeconomics & International Finance for Business Essay

Macroeconomics & International Finance for Business - Essay Example us and significance in the 21st Century, when globalisation and e-commerce-induced technological advancement have rendered corporate existence and future growth subservient on marketing competitive advantages and better skills in a rapidly changing global business environment. There are several factors that could determine a country’s economic progression. It could be as diverse aspects as the availability of roads and infra-structural facilities as the quality of education and the significant technological prowess the country is able to wield in the comity of nations. Resorting to Foreign Direct investments and equity participation of foreign governments or public/ private agencies in investments of government and/or private sectors and also capital repatriation from NRI’s In the context of capital accumulation, the Harrod-Domar Model assumes significance since it is a determinant of the growth rate G. If Y could be represented as GDP and S=Savings, then the growth of savings is determined by GDP-S=SY. The Investments represented by I is an important determinant for the produce as well as increase in capital. Thus, ∆K = ÏÆ'∆Y. Thus, it could be said that for the equilibrium point to be reached, a consensus needs to be made between demand and supply of a country’s produce. Hence I = S. This model is important since the equilibrium growth rate of the output = Ratio of the marginal propensity to save and the capital=output ratio. How the economy is growing is based on the growth of the capacity of the economy to produce as compared with the demand of the produce of the state. If, in this hypothetical instance, the marginal propensity to consume out of the Gross Domestic Product (GDP) is 0.7, then the marginal propensity to save is 0.3, which is inclusive of all types of savings. The equilibrium growth rate = propensity to save/capital output ratio, and in this case, it would be 0.3/3 or 10% annual growth rate. Thus, the position in this hypothetical

Politics and Human Rights Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Politics and Human Rights - Assignment Example Such implications include factors disruption in the way of life of individuals and the societies from which such individuals come. For instance, the various kinds of drought, which are associated with this form of climate change, caused the disintegration of the civilization process in north Mesopotamia during the third millennium (National Research Council, 2002, p6). With the rate at which climate change is taking place, these is more need to worry about tomorrow if the society is to avoid further consequences of the problem (Cities Alliance, 2009, p 1). According to Paul Gilding (2011, p24), , the possibilities of the temperatures rising and falling in the coming centuries are inevitable. In his book â€Å"The great disruption: How the climate crisis will transform the global economy† Gilding indicates that in the midcentury, temperatures, at the global level, will temporarily rise above more than one degree centigrade. He additionally explains that, the temperature will further drop below plus one degree centigrade sometime, close to the end of this century. According to the author, the sea level will consequently rise by an approximate of half a meter and continues rising all through the years that follow the century. Noteworthy is the fact that, Significant climatic change will be noticed with every century that possess by. The need for security in the ever changing society is obvious and security in the form of water and food even more important. The rate at which the world population is increasing is however so alarming. This is due to the possible insecurities that such increase in populations comes with. The ever-changing climatic conditions and the global warming factor also makes no matter easy in the already insecure world. The interconnection between crises in the aspects of food, water, and energy and the climatic condition, in the quickly warming

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Macroeconomics & International Finance for Business Essay

Macroeconomics & International Finance for Business - Essay Example us and significance in the 21st Century, when globalisation and e-commerce-induced technological advancement have rendered corporate existence and future growth subservient on marketing competitive advantages and better skills in a rapidly changing global business environment. There are several factors that could determine a country’s economic progression. It could be as diverse aspects as the availability of roads and infra-structural facilities as the quality of education and the significant technological prowess the country is able to wield in the comity of nations. Resorting to Foreign Direct investments and equity participation of foreign governments or public/ private agencies in investments of government and/or private sectors and also capital repatriation from NRI’s In the context of capital accumulation, the Harrod-Domar Model assumes significance since it is a determinant of the growth rate G. If Y could be represented as GDP and S=Savings, then the growth of savings is determined by GDP-S=SY. The Investments represented by I is an important determinant for the produce as well as increase in capital. Thus, ∆K = ÏÆ'∆Y. Thus, it could be said that for the equilibrium point to be reached, a consensus needs to be made between demand and supply of a country’s produce. Hence I = S. This model is important since the equilibrium growth rate of the output = Ratio of the marginal propensity to save and the capital=output ratio. How the economy is growing is based on the growth of the capacity of the economy to produce as compared with the demand of the produce of the state. If, in this hypothetical instance, the marginal propensity to consume out of the Gross Domestic Product (GDP) is 0.7, then the marginal propensity to save is 0.3, which is inclusive of all types of savings. The equilibrium growth rate = propensity to save/capital output ratio, and in this case, it would be 0.3/3 or 10% annual growth rate. Thus, the position in this hypothetical

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Compare the evil aspects of the three stories. (notes from Essay

Compare the evil aspects of the three stories. (notes from underground, paradise lost and frankenstein (movie)) - Essay Example In considering the three works, the aspect of evil decides the shift of the story. In the epic, Paradise Lost, the expelling of Satan from Heaven has made him fight against God and His army. Satan and his followers assemble and sworn against God and his creature-man in Earth. Even though God had warned Adam and Eve about the cunningness of Satan, Eve falls into the temptation of Serpent and this led Adam too commit disobedience to God. Satan’s attempts to win over man and thereby God have constituted the major aspect of the poem. Even though the protagonist in Paradise Lost is Man, the involvement of Satan in almost all parts of the poem has made many to consider Satan as the hero of the poem. True the over dominance of evil aspects in Paradise Lost is in fact very vivid throughout the poem. William G. Riggs says that, â€Å"We have seen that evil in Paradise Lost, as if at a loss to discover its true shape, mimics good, and in consequence the shape of evil is often deceptive ly attractive to unwary humanity† (Riggs 169). The movie, Frankenstein has been proclaimed for its science fiction aspects in it. The young scientist, Frankenstein’s attempts to recreate a human creature was about to success but Fritz, the devoted assistant of Frankenstein, by mistake, had put a criminal brain.

Monday, October 14, 2019

Counselling and Psychotherapy Ethics Essay Example for Free

Counselling and Psychotherapy Ethics Essay Practitioners should give careful consideration to the limitations of their training and experience and work within these limits, taking advantage of available professional support. If work with clients requires the provision of additional services operating in parallel with counselling or psychotherapy, the availability of such services ought to be taken into account, as their absence may constitute a significant limitation. Good practice involves clarifying and agreeing the rights and responsibilities of both the practitioner and client at appropriate points in their working relationship. Dual relationships arise when the practitioner has two or more kinds of relationship concurrently with a client, for example client and trainee, acquaintance and client, colleague and supervisee. The existence of a dual relationship with a client is seldom neutral and can have a powerful beneficial or detrimental impact that may not always be easily foreseeable. For these reasons practitioners are required to consider the implications of entering into dual relationships with clients, to avoid entering into relationships that are likely to be detrimental to clients, and to be readily accountable to clients and colleagues for any dual relationships that occur. Practitioners are encouraged to keep appropriate records of their work with clients unless there are adequate reasons for not keeping any records. All records should be accurate, respectful of clients and colleagues and protected from unauthorised disclosure. Practitioners should take into account their responsibilities and their clients rights under data protection legislation and any other legal requirements. Clients are entitled to competently delivered services that are periodically reviewed by the practitioner. These reviews may be conducted, when appropriate, in consultation with clients, supervisors, managers or other practitioners with relevant expertise. Maintaining competent practice All counsellors, psychotherapists, trainers and supervisors are required to have regular and on-going formal supervision/consultative support for their work in accordance with professional requirements. Managers, researchers and providers of counselling skills are strongly encouraged to review their need for professional and personal support and to obtain appropriate services for themselves. Regularly monitoring and reviewing ones work is essential to maintaining good practice. It is important to be open to, and conscientious in considering, feedback from colleagues, appraisals and assessments. Responding constructively to feedback helps to advance practice. A commitment to good practice requires practitioners to keep up to date with the latest knowledge and respond to changing circumstances. They should consider carefully their own need for continuing professional development and engage in appropriate educational activities. Practitioners should be aware of and understand any legal requirements concerning their work, consider these conscientiously and be legally accountable for their practice. Keeping trust The practice of counselling and psychotherapy depends on gaining and honouring the trust of clients. Keeping trust requires: attentiveness to the quality of listening and respect offered to clients culturally appropriate ways of communicating that are courteous and clear respect for privacy and dignity areful attention to client consent and confidentiality Clients should be adequately informed about the nature of the services being offered. Practitioners should obtain adequately informed consent from their clients and respect a clients right to choose whether to continue or withdraw. Practitioners should ensure that services are normally delivered on the basis of the clients explicit consent. Reliance on implicit consent is more vulnerable to misunderstandings and is best avoided unless there are sound reasons for doing so. Overriding a clients known wishes or consent is a serious matter that requires commensurate justification. Practitioners should be prepared to be readily accountable to clients, colleagues and professional body if they override a clients known wishes. Situations in which clients pose a risk of causing serious harm to themselves or others are particularly challenging for the practitioner. These are situations in which the practitioner should be alert to the possibility of conflicting responsibilities between those concerning their client, other people who may be significantly affected, and society generally. Resolving conflicting responsibilities may require due consideration of the context in which the service is being provided. Consultation with a supervisor or experienced practitioner is strongly recommended, whenever this would not cause undue delay. In all cases, the aim should be to ensure for the client a good quality of care that is as respectful of the clients capacity for self-determination and their trust as circumstances permit. Working with young people requires specific ethical awareness and competence. The practitioner is required to consider and assess the balance between young peoples dependence on adults and carers and their progressive development towards acting independently. Working with children and young people requires careful consideration of issues concerning their capacity to give consent to receiving any service independently of someone with parental responsibilities and the management of confidences disclosed by clients. Respecting client confidentiality is a fundamental requirement for keeping trust. The professional management of confidentiality concerns the protection of personally identifiable and sensitive information from unauthorised disclosure. Disclosure may be authorised by client consent or the law. Any disclosures should be undertaken in ways that best protect the clients trust. Practitioners should be willing to be accountable to their clients and to their profession for their management of confidentiality in general and particularly for any disclosures made without their clients consent. Practitioners should normally be willing to respond to their clients requests for information about the way that they are working and any assessment that they may have made. This professional requirement does not apply if it is considered that imparting this information would be detrimental to the client or inconsistent with the counselling or psychotherapeutic approach previously agreed with the client. Clients may have legal rights to this information and these need to be taken into account. Practitioners must not abuse their clients trust in order to gain exual, emotional, financial or any other kind of personal advantage. Sexual relations with clients are prohibited. Sexual relations include intercourse, any other type of sexual activity or sexualised behaviour. Practitioners should think carefully about, and exercise considerable caution before, entering into personal or business relationships with former clients and should expect to be professionally accountable if the relation ship becomes detrimental to the client or the standing of the profession. Practitioners should not allow their professional relationships with clients to be prejudiced by any personal views they may hold about lifestyle, gender, age, disability, race, sexual orientation, beliefs or culture. Practitioners should be clear about any commitment to be available to clients and colleagues and honour these commitments. Teaching and training All practitioners are encouraged to share their professional knowledge and practice in order to benefit their clients and the public. Practitioners who provide education and training should acquire the skills, attitudes and knowledge required to be competent teachers and facilitators of learning. Practitioners are required to be fair, accurate and honest in their assessments of their students. Prior consent is required from clients if they are to be observed, recorded or if their personally identifiable disclosures are to be used for training purposes. Supervising and managing Practitioners are responsible for clarifying who holds responsibility for the work with the client. There is a general obligation for all counsellors, psychotherapists, supervisors and trainers to receive supervision/consultative support independently of any managerial relationships. Supervisors and managers have a responsibility to maintain and enhance good practice by practitioners, to protect clients from poor practice and to acquire the attitudes, skills and knowledge required by their role. Researching The Association is committed to fostering research that will inform and develop practice. All practitioners are encouraged to support research undertaken on behalf of the profession and to participate actively in research work. All research should be undertaken with rigorous attentiveness to the quality and integrity both of the research itself and of the dissemination of the results of the research. The rights of all research participants should be carefully considered and protected. The minimum rights include the right to freely given and informed consent, and the right to withdraw at any point. The research methods used should comply with the standards of good practice in counselling and psychotherapy and must not adversely affect clients. Fitness to practise Practitioners have a responsibility to monitor and maintain their fitness to practise at a level that enables them to provide an effective service. If their effectiveness becomes impaired for any reason, including health or personal circumstances, they should seek the advice of their supervisor, experienced colleagues or line manager and, if necessary, withdraw from practice until their fitness to practise returns. Suitable arrangements should be made for clients who are adversely affected. If things go wrong with own clients Practitioners should respond promptly and appropriately to any complaint received from their clients. An appropriate response in agency-based services would take account of any agency policy and procedures. Practitioners should endeavour to remedy any harm they may have caused to their clients and to prevent any further harm. An apology may be the appropriate response. Practitioners should discuss, with their supervisor, manager or other experienced practitioner(s), the circumstancess in which they may have harmed a client in order to ensure that the appropriate steps have been taken to mitigate any harm and to prevent any repetition. Practitioners are strongly encouraged to ensure that their work is adequately covered by insurance for professional indemnity and liability. If practitioners consider that they have acted in accordance with good practice but their client is not satisfied that this is the case, they may wish to use independent dispute resolution, for example: seeking a second professional opinion, mediation, or conciliation where this is both appropriate and practical. Clients should be informed about the existence of the Professional Conduct Procedure of this Association and any other applicable complaints or disciplinary procedures. If requested to do so, practitioners should inform their clients about how they may obtain further information concerning these procedures. Responsibilities to all clients Practitioners have a responsibility to protect clients when they have good reason for believing that other practitioners are placing them at risk of harm. They should raise their concerns with the practitioner concerned in the first instance, unless it is inappropriate to do so. If the matter cannot be resolved, they should review the grounds for their concern and the evidence available to them and, when appropriate, raise their concerns with the practitioners manager, agency or professional body. If they are uncertain what to do, their concerns should be discussed with an experienced colleague, a supervisor or raised with this Association. All members of this Association share a responsibility to take part in its professional conduct procedures whether as the person complained against or as the provider of relevant information. Working with colleagues The increasing availability of counselling and psychotherapy means that most practitioners have other practitioners working in their locality, or may be working closely with colleagues within specialised or multidisciplinary teams. The quality of the interactions between practitioners can enhance or undermine the claim that counselling and psychotherapy enable clients to increase their insight and expertise in personal relationships. This is particularly true for practitioners who work in agencies or teams. Working in teams Professional relationships should be conducted in a spirit of mutual respect. Practitioners should endeavour to attain good working relationships and systems of communication that enhance services to clients at all times. Practitioners should treat all colleagues fairly and foster equality opportunity. They should not allow their professional relationships with colleagues to be prejudiced by their own personal views about a colleagues lifestyle, gender, age, disability, race, sexual orientation, beliefs or culture. It is unacceptable and unethical to discriminate against colleagues on any of these grounds. Practitioners must not undermine a colleagues relationships with clients by making unjustified or unsustainable comments. All communications between colleagues about clients should be on a professional basis and thus purposeful, respectful and consistent with the management of confidences as declared to clients. Awareness of context The practitioner is responsible for learning about and taking account of the different protocols, conventions and customs that can pertain to different working contexts and cultures. Making and receiving referrals All routine referrals to colleagues and other services should be discussed with the client in advance and the clients consent obtained both to making the referral and also to disclosing information to accompany the referral. Reasonable care should be taken to ensure that: the recipient of the referral is able to provide the required service; any confidential information disclosed during the referral process will be adequately protected; the referral will be likely to benefit the client. Prior to accepting a referral the practitioner should give careful consideration to: the appropriateness of the referral; the likelihood that the referral will be beneficial to the client; the adequacy of the clients consent for the referral. If the referrer is professionally required to retain overall responsibility for the work with the client, it is considered to be professionally appropriate to provide the referrer with brief progress reports. Such reports should be made in consultation with clients and not normally against their explicit wishes. Probity in professional practice Ensuring the probity of practice is important both to those who are directly affected but also to the standing of the profession as a whole. Providing clients with adequate information Practitioners are responsible for clarifying the terms on which their services are being offered in advance of the client incurring any financial obligation or other reasonably foreseeable costs or liabilities. All information about services should be honest, accurate, avoid unjustifiable claims, and be consistent with maintaining the good standing of the profession. Particular care should be taken over the integrity of presenting qualifications, accreditation and professional standing. Financial arrangements Practitioners are required to be honest, straightforward and accountable in all financial matters concerning their clients and other professional relationships. Conflicts of interest Conflicts of interest are best avoided, provided they can be reasonably foreseen in the first instance and prevented from arising. In deciding how to respond to conflicts of interest, the protection of the clients interests and maintaining trust in the practitioner should be paramount. Care of self as a practitioner Attending to the practitioners well-being is essential to sustaining good practice. Practitioners have a responsibility to themselves to ensure that their work does not become detrimental to their health or well-being by ensuring that the way that they undertake their work is as safe as possible and that they seek appropriate professional support and services as the need arises. Practitioners are entitled to be treated with proper consideration and respect that is consistent with this Guidance.

Sunday, October 13, 2019

WordPress Plan for My Gaming Site

WordPress Plan for My Gaming Site Dami Olayemi Introduction The purpose and rationale behind my gaming site will be discussed. To start with, the purpose of this website is to help gamers learn the strategies for this game and also enjoy playing the game. As well as have a way for people to discuss the game and confirm if the strategies work. Target Audience I am going to run a WordPress site that is targeting males and females gamers who are in their 18 to 25 years old. They are males and females who desire to know more strategies for the game they play; as well as how to improve their scores. Other people might also follow this account, and see the value of it. It would or could include young/inexperienced gamers in their 18 to 25 years of age to want to learn more about the game. Layout / Design The page layout for each of the web pages is as follows. First of all, the home page has rollovers, so people can scroll to what will be focused on the site. In addition, the home page will have a design, so there will be simple look to it. On the other hand, the about us page will have a slightly different layout. It will have a mix of two to three columns in each. There will be a slider showing the website owner and other aspects of the blog. In addition, in certain boxes discussing how the site came to be, and the person who owns the site. For the strategies page there will be codes discussed for each of the different games in different boxes. On another note, the blog pages will have three posts showing a Top 5, checklist, and a tutorial. People who check out the site can comment for this page and the strategy page. Also, for all the pages there will be a Facebook feed at the bottom, logo at the top, and along the social media icons. Finally, the contact page will allow people to either subscribe to the website or voice their concerns and suggestions. Therefore, this is the layout for the web pages. The colours I will be using are red and black for a few different reasons. To begin with, red is a very eye catching color and this makes it useful in case I want to draw some attention to my website theme. Furthermore black will be the main colour of the font, so it will easier for readability for people who are looking through the website. Altogether, these are the colours for the website overall. The types of images that I will be using are as follows. Firstly, the home page will have images of the game that will be discussed on the website. The about us page will have images of the website owner and pictures of each character on the game discussed on the website. The blog page will have images that are incorporated into the blog posts in the web page. Also, the strategy page will have some tactics to winning the game which it could be difficult. Finally, the contact page will have an image of where to find us. For all the Webpages at the top there will be the logo and social media icons on the bottom. All in all, these are the images that I might be using on my gaming website. The font size and type I will be using are as follows. The font type that is going to be used is Open Sans. It is easy to read, so individuals that have vision difficulties can have an easier time. The main size for the font is 16px. Also, the site title font size is 36px, so people can identify the web page they are looking at. In addition, there are similar fonts to this in the games discussed on the website. So, that will create a theme to connect everything together. All in all, Open Sans will be a suitable font for the website. The overall ideas of what I am trying to achieve with this layout will be discussed. First I will try to interest the target market that I am attracting. Also, trust the colour scheme to motivate my interest to the genders and ages I chose. Furthermore, grow my interest from males and females who play more video games, PC games, and mobile games. Lastly each web page will have a slightly different style to the website. Therefore, this will hopefully help to achieve the overall idea for my layout. Page Content Home Home page for gamers who like to use all the great champions for their strategy. When the public comes to the site, the first thing they will see is the homepage. Which there will be pictures in the slider of the game that will be discussed? This page will give a rundown of what will be on each of the page such as the strategies and the blogs. Also I will have a Facebook feed attached to this page to let individuals know other ways to find out about the site. Furthermore it will be an interesting and eye-catching experience for people who are going to look at this website. In addition, there will be a social media link and a logo of the game. Additionally, there will be a navigation bar on the right side of the page for the other webpage. All in all, this will be the public facing content on the Home page. Blog Blog that will show you all the tutorials, Top 5s, and checklists for certain champions to use in the game. Furthermore, when customers come to this page of the website, they will also see the Blog page. Which there will be a slider at the top below the logo and the social media symbol? Also, there is a title to interest my target audience to look through the posts. Additionally, the first post will have a How-to build up your ranking in the game that is going to be discussed. As well as, the next post will be a Top 10 of the champions for the game discussed on the website. To close with, the final post will be a video that shows one of the champions moves. All in all, the content on this page will definitely interest my target market. Story   Story of how this website started to help out gamers who love fierce competition. When customers come to this page of the website, they will be able to see all the stories of the game. Also there will be a slider at the top of the page, where the picture is included in that slider of the website. Furthermore there will be more information about the owner and pictures of the heroes from the game. Next there will be a title and a paragraph of how the website came to be. Lastly, to end with, I will show where to purchase the game. Altogether, the public facing content for the Story will be exciting and enlightening. Contact Contact the website owner and the way to subscribe to our emails. Finally, on the contact us page, the public will be able to see the companies phone number, address, and email. Also for the address part there will be a Google maps to show the location of the business. Right beside it will be the contact form to let people make suggestions, or raise some concerns, which it will have a very simple, yet professional look for this webpage.   Blog Posts Social Media

Saturday, October 12, 2019

Ethics and Management Decision Making Essay -- Business Ethics

â€Å"We have always known that heedless self-interest was bad morals; We know now that it is also bad economics† (Franklin Delano Roosevelt as cited in Godwin, 2008; Good Money & Quotes, 2010) 1. Introduction Business Industry has witnessed the outcomes of bad moral decisions taken by business leaders. Enron’s story is only one example of corporate scandals and cases of bad moral decisions, which has not only shaken the public trust in corporations, but also affected the bank accounts of investors and employees. Before the bankruptcy of Enron; it was included in one of the fortune 500 companies after its fraudulent accounting case the share went down to $1 (Enron scandal, 2010; PBS, 2002; Godwin, 2006; Godwin, 2008). The â€Å"bad apples† which create fraudulent are now facing prison terms, they are not morally bad character people they just face this because of their limited conceptual schema and don’t consider moral values while making decisions. Mostly managers are known for moral values, and they are not greedy and egoists, the underlying issue is that they have narrow perspective on a particular situation so they don’t view the moral consequences of their decisions. They actually lack the ability to imagine a range of possible issues, consequences and solutions. So just because of their shorter insight they make wrong moral decisions which later give undesirable impacts to society and business as well (Godwin, 2006, Godwin, 2008; Werhane and Moriarty, 2009). Business Industry has also witnessed some business leaders who have taken such a good moral decisions that result in mutual benefit to the company and wider society. Literature shows different instances of companies like Seventh Generation, Fuji Xerox, or Green Mountain ... ...Werhane, P.H., Dunham, L. (2002) ‘Moral Imagination: A Bridge between ethics and entrepreneurship’ [Online]. Available at: (Accessed: 06 March 2010). [35] Werhane, P.H. (2006) ‘Access, Responsibility, and Funding: A Systems Thinking Approach to Universal Access to Oral Health’, Journal of Dental Education, vol. 70, no. 11, pp. 1184-1195. [36] Werhane, P.H., Moriarty, B. (2009) ‘Moral Imagination and Management Decision-making’ [Online]. Available at: (Accessed: 06 March 2010). [37] Yashiro, K., Yoshida, T., Suzuki, Y. (no date) ‘Training on Corporate Social Responsibility in Japanese Companies: Based on a Survey’ [38] Young, G. (2008) ‘Advisory Panel and Committees’, Encyclopedia of Business ethics and society, vol. 5, no. 1.

Friday, October 11, 2019

Stop Smoking Right Now

Diamanta Stop Smoking Right Now Do you know every 10 seconds someone dies from smoking related diseases? There are many people who have smoking habit nowadays, and the age of first time smokers is getting lower in Taiwan. People start smoking for many different reasons, some think smoking lets them feel relaxed, some think smoking looks cool, and others may just want to try. However, when people start smoking, it will be hard to stop because cigarette contains tobacco which makes them become addicted.These smokers enjoy smoking every day, but they seem to not know that smoking causes so many problems which not only concern themselves, but also other non-smokers. In my opinion, people should give up smoking right now because smoking affects their interpersonal relationship, does harm to human health, and brings secondhand smoke. For one thing, smoking concerns smokers’ interpersonal relationship. When people are smoking, most non-smokers dislike the smell of cigarette. In fact, this irritant smell will cling to smokers for a long time, including their hair, body, and clothes.Moreover, smokers’ breath always reeks of cigarettes, and it is also hard to be removed. Actually, it is very impolite and offensive to talk with others with the stale cigarette smoke. On the other hand, smokers’ teeth will become yellow if they smoke too much. Expect the smell of cigarettes; unclean teeth also give others a bad impression. In short, smokers should try to be considerate to others’ feeling, especially when they are in public. Second, smoking influences on human health. Smoking can seriously damage human body, and it is considered to a health killer.Actually, the most serious problem is studies have confirmed that smoking causes various kinds of cancer, including cancers of nose, mouth, throat, and lung. The more cigarettes a person smoked each day, the more risk of cancer increases. However, heart disease also relative to smoking. Heart disease is the leading cause of death today, and there are a large number of people who die from heart problems because they smoke heavily. Another bad effect of smoking is aging of the skin. Smoking consumes Vitamin A in the skin and cause wrinkles, especially around the lips and the eyes.On the other hand, pregnant women also should not smoke. A pregnant woman who has smoking habit also influences on the  unborn baby, and it may cause her baby born too early or with low birth weight. To sum up, smoking really causes a variety of bad effects on human body. Finally, smoking makes secondhand smoke. Secondhand smoke is also called environmental tobacco smoke. In fact, Secondhand smoke is the smoke that comes from the burning end of a cigarette and the smoke exhaled out by the smoker. When people stand near a smoker, they breathe secondhand smoke. However, many people still do not realize the dangers of secondhand smoke.Actually, secondhand smoke also affects non-smokers, and it is very harmful to human body. Secondhand smoke has more than 50 chemicals that cause lung and breathing problems, including coughing, hard to breathe, moreover, it is possible that it causes lung cancer even people do not smoke. In addition, according to the researches, secondhand smoke increases the risk of heart disease by 15 to 20 percent. In Taiwan, secondhand smoke cause about 20,000 of the deaths of heart disease each year. As a result, everyone should keep away from smokers because secondhand smoke is dangerous.In conclusion, smoking is against social politeness, causes damage to both smokers’ and non-smokers’ health, and makes terrible secondhand smoke. Smoking really does not bring any benefit, so people should not smoke or buy cigarettes anymore. I think smokers must realize that not just their health will be affected; everyone around them is also influenced by their bad habit. For staying in good physical condition, smokers should consider to take steps towards quitting s moking from now. Staying smoke free let people keep healthy, get more energy, and live a better life.

Thursday, October 10, 2019

It/240 Appendix E

Axia College Material Appendix E TCP/IP Network Planning Table Read questions 80 and 81 on pp. 274-275 of the text. Identify the problems with the TCP/IP network in each scenario and complete the table. Explain your answer for each of the scenarios. | | | | |Scenario |Problem |Explanation of proposed solution |Resources needed | |#80 |Two computers are on default gateways that are |The default gateway for computer 141. 171. 35. is |The computer will need to be accessed under the Administrator profile and the command| | |not optimal or are undefined, meaning the |not located on the network. This computer is |prompt opened. Type in â€Å"ipconfig/ release† followed by â€Å"ipconfig/ renew† to resolve | | |default gateway used is not on the existing |located in the ring topology subnet. The gateway |these issues. | | |network or the default gateway is not the best |should be set to 141. 171. 34. 7 to resolve the | | | |choice for connecting the computer. |issue with com puter 141. 171. 35. 3. | | | | | | | | | |The computer 141. 71. 40. 3, on the star subnet, | | | | |should have its default gateway changed to | | | | |141. 171. 40. 15. | | |#81 |The computer at 141. 171. 35. 3 is attempting to |The computer at 141. 171. 35. should have its |Again, the computer should be logged in with the Administrator profile and â€Å"ipconfig/| | |use a default gateway which is not located on |default gateway set to 141. 171. 34. 17. |release† followed by â€Å"ipconfig/ renew† should be typed in the command prompt on both | | |its subnet. | |machines to ensure connectivity to the proper gateways. | | | |The computer at 141. 171. 0. 3 should have its | | | |The gateway used by computer 141. 171. 40. 3 is |default gateway set to 141. 171. 40. 15 to optimize | | | |not optimizing connections between the computer|its connection. | | | |and others on the network. The computer should | | | | |use another gateway to optimize its | | | | |connectivity. | | |

Family Life Can Create Considerable Stress

How do know? Well let's just say experience has the best of me on this one. For example, the relationship with my parents I think broke my heart more than it did theirs. Although they weren't married, so I didn't experience the process of a divorced family they still separated. I was about four and lots of people don't remember that much when you're that young, but I did. I remember the bond me and my father shared, we were inseparable. Remember the bond me and my dad's mom had, she was my nana felt her love no matter where was. Subsequently my mother took me and left.That was family and she left without a problem. Was devastated, growing up that never left my mind, and how easy it was for her to just, leave. I let the stress build thinking of growing up without a father just got to me. Now I didn't go through divorce papers, courts and custody battles I could imagine that's a whole lot worse than what my situation was. But do know the feeling of separated parents, I do know how it f eels to think about having that family where everything was normal and you had them tot by your side, in one place you can really call home.Now being with divorced or separated parents is stressful just think you don't want to choose sides you love them both. They both love you as well, that why they've set up this arrangement so you can switch every weekend, summer and/or holiday. There's a plus you can have two rooms, two birthdays and so forth. On the contrary you have to deal with step parents, step siblings arguments with who gets you on Christmas day or who can keep you an extra day longer. The stress is just overwhelming don't you think?You love them both, so you don't want to say no to them, you don't want them thinking you are choosing sides, one over the other so what do you do. Then you have friends to deal with at both places and depending on how far apart your parents live from each other. Your friends at your dads are going bowling one weekend and your friends at your moms are going to the movies that same weekend and now you have to choose who you want to hang out with. Its just stressful. All they want is you, and all you want is stability.One home, one family, one life. Now there are those situations where you don't have two rooms, you don't have to deal with both parents and all the arguments and what not. You just have to deal with one parent. That sounds whole lot less stressful right? It can be, but then there are those people who aren't as fortunate as others. People who let their stress override them and their parent wasn't there to help. The type of residence you grow up in is critical to the process of a child who has divorced parents or only one parent.If no one is there for them and they onto know where to turn to the world we live in today can provide them with lots of things to turn to. All it takes is hanging with the wrong crowd. For instance I only had my mother and due to the fact that she was never home had no one to turn to, so started hanging out in the streets. One thing led to another and there was every day, every night in the street up to no good with the wrong people not going to school, fighting, doing drugs, drinking stealing and so much more that I know I will regret for the rest of my life.All of the drugs, drinking and fighting made me think it took the stress away it eloped me forget until was sober again, but that just gave me more of reason to do it more. This went on for about four years. While I thought it was taking the stress away it was really putting on more stress, if I didn't have what I needed to take the stress away I stressed about it, looking for whatever would take it all away. Now I'm not saying this is exactly what will happen everyone has their different ways of coping with things and it all just depends on what's in front of you at the moment. Its also about who you turn to.Whether they are there for you or for themselves. Not everyone can relate, but you would be surprise d on how many people do relate. Its tough when you don't have the proper people to turn to, or you have all of the bad choices sitting right in front of you. So much pressure, so much stress, it will never stop no matter how many times you tell yourself you got this, you can do it, it just won't stop. The stress just overwhelms you. But you can fight it, you know the bad choices the stress, you can override it, and all you need to do is talk to someone or have someone give you that push you need.

Wednesday, October 9, 2019

French missionaries Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

French missionaries - Essay Example Some people held the notion that the missionaries had a smooth time in their missions simply because they were Christians. On reading this article, they must have changed their thinking. Reading about the hardships faced by the missionaries, people agree that their work, though considered in good faith, must have taken them a lot of tolerance and determination. The narrator chooses to give the narration in two faces; one where their leader Father Paul advised them on how to behave with the Savages and the events that happened in Oumamis and Machkoutench in India. In his astounding speech to the missionaries, Father Paul issued stern and stick rules to the yet to depart missionaries. Since human is to error, he made it clear that misconduct was intolerable. Their character was supposed to depict them as the astute Christians they were, by maintaining good morals and having a clear mission and vision. While some of them could be tempted to socialize, in his speech, he made it clear tha t were to stick to their mission. Not only was this advice a warning to them, but also a sign of the seriousness of the assignments they were to handle in India. The mission to Oumamis and Machkoutench had a number of challenges, but yet very successful. In his narration, the narrator reveals the naivety these people had in their reasoning that missionaries could solve their issues. For instance, when the Savages met them, they gave them tobacco to smoke, as a sign of appreciation and their welcome. No sooner had they started smoking than one of them started addressing their issues, begging for mercy. Problems and real issues clobbered the Village, as this man reveals. They were dying of hunger, their land produced no yields, and neither did the waters harbor any fish. In their appeal, they wanted the missionaries to reverse these misfortunes, and make their land yield, diseases stop taking away their children among other problems facing them. The narrator had to correct them that t hey were not indeed the true God, but servants on a mission to spread his gospel. Thus, he managed to convince them that missionaries would pray to the living God to reverse the situation. The tone used in the narration gives the article a formal and serious appeal. Even as he narrates the incidence with the Savages, though sarcastically the villagers thought of them as God, he maintains that the serious narration of the story. Not at one point does he use casual and light wording, rather, he maintains the tone established as he gave Father Paul’s advice to them before their departure. Evidently, he proves of the difficulties they faced, right before their departure. Father Paul spared none of them, when issuing the code of conduct to them. He warned them of making the savages wait for them, cautioned them of being ceremonious with the savages, they were to provide the savages with mirrors or a tinder box or both to light their smoking pipes, they were supposed not start some thing unless they were sure they would accomplish and eat anything provided to them by the savages. On their arrival at the Village, the Savages invited them, where they offered them tobacco to smoke. Immediately, they started confessing of their problems, leaving none. Following the strict advice given by Father Paul, the narrator offered his services to the people in different capacities. After reading the article, it is hard to believe of the hardships the missionaries had to contend with in their

Tuesday, October 8, 2019

CRITQUE MY PEERS Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

CRITQUE MY PEERS - Essay Example Similarly the essay refers to the possibility of the employees in daycare centers having criminal history, which the author backs up with suitable examples. This argument is also a valid one in terms of what one can observe in the society. The narration of the medical concerns and the mention of the amount the author had spent in treating a child sound a little weak. Medical problems do not seem to be the rampant issue in day care centers. If the author feels so, this contention should have been supported through research evidence. My suggestion would be to include some of the advantages of daycare centers such as they can come as a solace when both parents need to work at the same time. To refute this, I would argue that this does not qualify a daycare center to win the trust of parents. I would also include some suggestions relating to such facilities being more professional and the government or community involving more in the operation of such organizations to ensure that the consumer receives proper services. Does the author use signal phrases to introduce quotes? (Signal phrases are discussed in more detail in section 10g of The New Century Handbook. ) If so, provide an example. If not, suggest the correct way to do this. All quotations that the writer has used are stand alone, without integrating them into the writing. The author also has not used signal phrases appropriately. I personally believe that rather than using stand alone quotations, the writer can integrate the quotes into the writing so that the prose will have better coherence and flow. The writer has not used proper in-text citations in the paper at this stage. However, it appears that because this is a draft. The citations, as they are now, do not follow the standard requirements for acknowledging the sources. I presume the writer will address this issue before submitting the final paper. The